Chapter 4

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Jungkook could see. See the pretty omega still looking at him. But he himself couldn't help steal some glances at him.

That was wrong Jungkook knew. Looking at someone else's mate. But it wasn't like he had any bad intentions.

When he saw him first at the pack ground, he felt intrigued by him.

He had seen his fair share of pretty omegas.

But the sight of the omega rushing clumsily, nose and cheeks red and hair messy was cute.

But what pulled his attention was the scene of the omega cowering because of the alpha before him.

He hated this kind of things.

In fact he hated the pack he joined. Jungkook didn't want to but his close friend, Namjoon thought it was better to join a pack.

Jungkook wasn't forced. He wouldn't allow it but thought he could try something new.

"Maybe you would like it." those were the exact words of Namjoon.

But the pack he happened to be accepted into was already full of hatred.

He had heard the murders of him and his rogue friends having ill intentions, being crazy and cruel, way too dominating and not respecting the omegas.

But Jungkook thought different.

He felt the pack was all that, that they thought of him and his friends.

He didn't understand the concept of retributing someone for simple reasons.

Neither could he understand why the omega was so on his mind these days.

The omega seemed powerless, vulnerable.

And he hated people who considered themselves weak.

But he groks that this was how the omegas here were taught to be like. He felt sorry for them. But that was none of his business.

The why did he help Taehyung? He didn't know.

Jungkook realized that he was still thinking about the omega when he should be busy doing his practice.

"Jungkook-ah, what is it? You seem so lost these days. You okay? ", Hoseok, his beta friends asked.

He knew his friends cared for him. They were all he had to call as a family. But he didn't want to share his concern with his friends.

He knew what they would say. But it wasn't that. He was not fantasising over a mated omega.

He helped the omega once. That was it. It was a one time thing.

"I'm okay. Don't worry." he responded with a small smile.

Jungkook could see Taehyung working his ass off. He felt irritated, not being able to help.

But he was not going to.

Or maybe he would.

He couldn't stop himself.

He didn't understand why.

"Taehyung" Jungkook approached him. "Do you need any help? "

The alpha could see the omega was not expecting that. Could see his eyes shining and face morphing into a expression Jungkook didn't understand.

"No alpha. Thank you."

"I didn't even do anything. Don't thank me for nothing." Jungkook further added "Why you don't? I can see you working all day long alone. Tell me what do you need help with."

"Alpha....... the council. I can't accept your help. They will punish us both for not following orders." Taehyung said defeatedly.

Jungkook was enraged. What is this nonsense. Fine don't want help? I won't.

Not saying another word Jungkook went out of the room.

He needed air. Right now he was extremely temperamental. Wanting some spaced he dashed through the forest.

It was useless. He found himself near the waterfall.

Finally he couldn't take off his mind from the omega.

He knew it, he needed to avoid Taehyung no matter what.

This was not right thinking about a mated omega all the time. If Taehyung needed help he would be happy to help him. But he was going to keep his distance from the other.

Yeah. It's better before things Escalate into something that is unwanted.

That's what he did. He avoided Taehyung like a disease. He saw the omega trying to talk to him twice or thrice.

But maybe he understood Jungkook avoided him and so he too kept his distance.


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