Chapter 8

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Taehyung was upset, upset with almost everything in his life.

A sad Taehyung sat by the waterfall was nothing new. However something that was new was finding Jungkook already there and Taehyung starting a conversation with him first.

"I see, it's your favorite spot too now." Taehyung said with a smile as he sat down a few feet away from the alpha.

"Well. It's a nice place. Everything is pretty here." but you're the prettiest. Jungkook wanted to say but decided against it. He didn't want to make the omega uncomfortable. But it seemed like Taehyung knew what else was pretty if the adorable pink cheeks were something to go by.

Jungkook was sure the moment he saw the omega come out of his room all gloomy, next where he was going.

Jungkook wasn't stalking. He was observing. Really. Recently he could do nothing but stare at the pretty omega whenever he was near.

Jungkook knew why but he would never say it out loud.

Instead he settled for, "So tell me about yourself. What do you like?"


Taehyung was just entered his room when he saw the mess. The room was completely messed. Clothes thrown randomly here and there, furnitures moved from its place and the shattered pieces of a glass.

Taehyung had no idea what happened and to be honest he liked it that way.

Jiyong and his relationship was anything but normal. It was becoming sour, dull, stale, boring, toxic.

But right now he didn't want to put a thought in it instead his mind was wandering around a different alpha with a gentle personality, deep voice, bright eyes and soft smiles.

Jungkook is very attractive.

For just a second there was a slight rebuking voice in his mind warning him for having such thoughts about another alpha but it was just that. Just for a second.

Because what was so wrong about it? If he found Jungkook attractive then what's wrong in admitting it to himself.

As he started cleaning up the mess which was not done by him he continued his thoughts about the handsome alpha.

Jungkook was a nice and kind alpha with whom he could make small talks just like he did today at the waterfall.

They talked about different things from food to hobbies to friends, trying to know each other better.

It was like a silent agreement between them to avoid any sensitive topics such as mates.

That's what Taehyung liked. Liked not being sacred or giving hundreds thoughts before speaking. It didn't feel like the conversation was forced unlike the ones he has with his own alpha.

His train of thoughts were interrupted by the loud entry of his mate.

"Finally decided to show up?" came Jiyong's snarky comment.

But he was not waiting for Taehyung's reply as he started removing his coat and directly went into the bathroom.

No 'how are yous' no 'welcome backs' no 'love yous'.

Taehyung sighed. When did things started becoming so impersonal? Maybe it always was and he just started noticing it. Never mind.

At least he didn't start talking about a baby or hitting him.


It's been few days and things were normal, well as normal as it could be. Nevertheless Taehyung was happy he was out of any unwanted situations.

He and Jungkook had somehow got closer. They would often meet near the waterfall. None of them decides to but in some way or the other they always do meet.

Just like today.

Taehyung was returning to the pack house from the waterfall with Jungkook. Till a place they come together but after that Jungkook waits for a bit and then arrives in the house.

They both just didn't want any unnecessary attention or problems.

Those short or sometimes if they could the longer meets always left them smiling and light hearted.

"Oh Taehyung." Jin called for Taehyung loudly from his place at the shade of the tree.

"Now a days we don't even meet each other if not for cooking the breakfast." Jin complained as the other omega approached him lazily.

"I'm sorry hyung." said Taehyung. It was true. These daysany time he got he rushed to the waterfall wanting to spend more time with the alpha.

The omega smiled sweetly as he saw Jungkook entering his field of vision.

But this didn't went unnoticed by Jin. "Actually Taehyung I was meaning to talk to you about something."

"Yeah what is it hyung?" Taehyung replied absentmindedly, mind still busy thinking about the alpha.

"Is something going on between you and that rogue alpha?"

This made the omega snap his head towards his friends.

How would he know? Maybe we were not as discreet as we thought we were. Taehyung thought. Deciding to play ignorant he asked, "Why would you say so? There is nothing like that. Also Jungkook is not a rogue."

Taehyung was aggravated. Jungkook was not a rogue. Maybe he was but not anymore. He knew that condescending tone, mocking the alpha for not having a pack before, stereotyping him with few other cruel rogues.
And maybe that's why his own tone was not exactly polite like usual.

"Why are you getting defensive?"

"I'm not." Perhaps he was. But Jin didn't know Jungkook like he did. So he had the right to defend the kind alpha. "It's just the truth isn't it?  He joined our pack."

"That doesn't matter. He might not be pack less now but that doesn't mean he wasn't abandoned by his earlier pack." Jin argued. He was not happy with Taehyung's defiance about this topic.

"It's not our business. He is here now and he did nothing bad till now."

"Did you think why he was abandoned?"

This made Taehyung wonder why.

"Yeah exactly. We don't. It's not my business to know why but it's definitely my business to warn you and keep you away from him.

Also he seems to --- no I'm sure he is attracted to you if him staring at you is something to go by. God knows what lustful thoughts he has of you. You think I have not noticed it? I have. So don't associate with him."

Taehyung was silent this whole time not because he agreed with it. No never. He knew he would continue doing what he was doing.

He was silent because he wasn't going to argue with his hyung especially when he knew Jin was just looking out for him and also because he was aware it was useless. He knew nothing he says could change Jin's mind unless he himself meet the alpha directly.

It didn't matter what others think. It was about him and Jungkook and he knew Jungkook was a good person. So he did what anyone would do in such a situation. Changing the topic.

"Come on hyung. Let's talk about something else. We talk after so many days and the first thing you do is lecture me. Tell me did you try out the new recipe you were talking about that day? "



I know the updates are so late. I'm sorry. I'm just busy with my studies. Exams are coming.
Updates might be late. But from April I will update very frequently.

Thank you for reading. ♥♥

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