Chapter 23

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"I'm sorry but we have to go now." Namjoon started, feeling like a asshole for separating the two omegas. 

"also Jiyong would wake up any moment. He might refuse to talk now but I will try to speed things up as much as I can. Okay? Be strong guys. You are not alone."

With a sigh Namjoon gave a gentle tug at Jin's arm. 

Silently the omega stood up and after a moment left without a single glance at anyone. 

"we're leaving now." Namjoon said and jogged behind Jin. 

Jungkook was unaware how to break the silence. The gloomy aura that Taehyung was giving was causing his heart to ache. But there was nothing he could do now. 

"Tae.. "

"I'm tired. I will sleep for sometime Jungkookie."

"oh okay. Sleep now."

With a hum of agreement the omega closed his eyes, pulling his knees closer to his chest and hugging it tightly. 

There was a lot in his mind but for now he wanted to rest. 


Taehyung woke up to the clinking sound of the lock. Rubbing his eyes with his fist he looked up to see one of the guards opening the door of the lock up. 

He shakily stood up stretching his legs a few times as it hurt from staying too long in the same position.

He slowly walked out feeling much clear headed after sleeping for so long. The omega was surprised he could sleep even in such situations.

Just as him, Jungkook too walked out, immediately arriving at his side, his strong warm hands wrapping around the omega.

The guard, obviously displeased by the open display of affection, clicked his tongue but nevertheless didn't pass any remark. 

"walk" with a simple command he walked forward and was joined by many other guards who surrounded them as they started towards the direction of the pack hall. 

His terror mounted on him with every shaky step he took. Cold sweat broke on his forehead which he immediately wiped with the back of his hand. His gut twisted with the thought of confronting the others.

No amount of rest or discussion could curb this fear which was twisting his guts. From the distance he saw the murmuring crowd gathering infront of the pack hall. 

He was honestly shocked that none of them was supporting his cause. Taehyung agrees that what he did was absolutely not correct but he had a reason behind his actions.

Then why were they judging him without even giving him a chance to explain himself. These were the people he and Jiyong grew up with. They knew how he was like and how Jiyong was like.  Even so why none of them were on his side. Was it because he was omega? Was it because Jungkook was previously a rogue?

His heart flared with anger at that. 

With a deep breathe he crossed the crowd not even sparing them a glance and entered the hall.

His heart leaped to his throat as he looked around and his eyes almost instantaneously fell on Jiyong. Although he had a black eye and cuts all over his face but his lips had a smug smirk, his eyes had a sinister glint that was gobbling Taehyung up. 

Instinctively Taehyung moved away from Jungkook’s grip, his eyes still on his mate whose smirk somehow got smugger and bigger. This made the omega turn to look at his side. The alpha had a poker face but it was clear in those ever warm and sweet sweet eyes that he was hurt by his actions. 

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