Chapter 11

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“Seriously Jungkook where is your mind these days?” the pack’s trainer, Jungsuk said.

Jungkook was again pointed out. Now Jungkook was definitely one of the best fighters out there in the pack, but he had once again lost to one of the amateur fighters. This was a thrice in a row.

“Nowhere” Jungkook mumbled, “Just feeling under the weather these days……. I’m leaving.”

Ignoring the shouts of his name he went away.

He sprinted through the trees trying to shift his mind from the frustrating thoughts. Running had always helped him whenever he wanted to shut the voice in his mind screaming at him for many different reasons, blaming and chiding himself. 

The cold wind striking his red face as his tired and sweaty body surged forward, his feet bare on the forest floor, was a pleasant distraction from the dejection he was feeling.

But it was all useless as he was brought back to the very reason his dejection came from.


More like Taehyung who was avoiding him like plague and the empty spot near the waterfall where the omega usually sits was a bitter reminder of it. 

His feet had brought him back to the place which used to be his happy place when the omega was there. The pretty omega who was in his mind constantly, whose absence had affected him more than he thought it would.

Jungkook could almost close his eyes and imagine the sweet omega sitting next to him blabbering about the various things that goes through his mind, his cute giggles and his scent would fill the place. Oh god his scent. The alpha missed that heavenly scent. 

He remembers that day when he scented Taehyung. Jungkook had done it because of the situation they were in but it had become a highlight of his day. He was filled with strange and sudden sense of pride knowing that the omega smelt like him, although it was for some time. 

Jungkook wondered what had happened, what went wrong for the omega to ignore him like that for so long. Was it something he did? Was it because he scented him, maybe he went overboard with it. He was not going to lie to himself, Jungkook knew he stepped out of his line that day.

Taehyung was after all mated. He had his mate to return home to. It was already immoral of Jungkook for daydreaming about a mated omega. He knew that. He really did but he could control his thoughts that always somehow would take him to Taehyung.

Maybe Taehyung realised that being in his company meant a great risk to him and he wished to get rid of it or maybe that Jungkook wasn’t worth his company at all.  

But what bothered him the most was what if the little omega was in some trouble? What if he it was something his mate did?

The thought made Jungkook’s blood boil. But it’s not like he could do something even if everything in him was telling him to. He was just as helpless. But maybe…..just maybe if the omega comes to him

Jungkook knew what he was feeling was wrong but the heart wants what it wants. 



“Look it’s your man.”

Jin’s teasing voice pulled Taehyung out of his thoughts.

“Huh? Where?” Taehyung looked at the view offered by the window in front of which he was standing, cooking that day’s meal.

From the window he could see the warriors of the pack training earnestly, body strong and fit, face determined, all of them looking extremely handsome in their half-naked glory but he couldn’t find his man.

“Seriously! You’ve been always stupid but now you’re becoming blind too…………there there, now can you see?” this time it was Sana who had come all the way from that side of the kitchen to gaze at the warriors.

“Yeah….yeah I can” Yeah he could but not the man he was looking for. The omega stared at his mate feeling foolish as well as guilty. God knows what I am up to these days. Of course his man was Jiyong. So why was he looking for Jungkook?

Maybe because he was constantly in his mind, maybe because he was avoiding the kind alpha and was feeling remorseful about it. But that’s for both of their own good, his conscience reasoned. 

Taehyung was mated. Nothing would ever happen between him and Jungkook and he wanted to make crystal clear to both himself and the alpha. Recently the things that happened between them seemed to take a road that was too intimate for friends. 

His mind went back to the day when Jungkook had scented him. His cheeks tinted red at the thought, heart beating faster.

Jungkook had started staying in his mind and with him constantly to the point that everything else had become blur for him.

The line between a mated omega and another alpha had blurred for them. No matter how much happy the other alpha made him, Jungkook will always be that. 

The other alpha.

Taehyung cannot and shouldn’t forget the responsibilities and duties he had to fulfil as Jiyong’s mate even though Jiyong seemed to forget that.   

Also the number of persons becoming suspicious of them and their relationship was increasing day by day. It was being risky.

Taehyung hadn’t missed the hurt look in Jungkook’s orbs whenever their eyes met. He was aware that the other had realized he was avoiding him. So he had started dodging eye contact too. The regret too much to bear.

“He is handsome isn’t he?” Sana asked, her tone bubbly like her very personality.

“Hmm.” Taehyung replied not quite listening or thinking about what she was thinking.

“Yeah we know. Stare at home then, concentrate on your work now or you would have to feed your too handsome to look away mate burned food”

This successfully brought Taehyung back to reality. 

“Stop it guys.” Whined Taehyung, his cheeks heating up.

“Yeah yeah how dare we interfere him ogling at his eye candy”


Sound of their laughter bounced off the kitchen walls.


Sorry for the boring chapter

Thank you for reading ♥

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