Chapter 5

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It was almost a month after Jungkook had joined the pack.

The preparations for the occasion was on full swing. Everyone around him was happy, buzzing with excitement and energy.

It was the time of their annual festival, celebrated on the full moon of the month it was a occasion of great festivities.

There was huge hunting done by the alphas and the betas. The omegas showed their own skill set too, cooking, music and dance.

Jungkook too felt light hearted. He and his friends went for the hunt and could get one of the largest kill.

The tables with various dishes were set up and the fairy lights were hung up all over the place on the pack ground. It was a pretty sight.

Jungkook could see that almost everyone was present in the ground mingling with each other. Sounds of laughter, children running around, the aroma of food, everything thing made the surroundings lively.

It was nice.

But something was missing.

Jungkook unconsciously looked around for the omega. The last time they talked was over a month ago, when he hadn't started avoiding Taehyung.

The alpha knew it was useless avoiding him. The omega was still on his mind. He didn't know why.

The omega was nowhere in sight.
Jungkook could see Taehyung's omega friends as well as his mate,  but he wasn't with any of them.

It was meaningless looking for him. Just like it would be even if he found the omega. What was Jungkook going to do with him anyway.

He went around with his friends, Hoseok and Namjoon tasting delicious food.

Suddenly Jungkook saw him.

Taehyung was drop dead gorgeous in his white loose shirt and messy hair.

It was as if he was shining, shining among everyone else.

But he seemed to be down in the mouth.

Jungkook's eyes followed the omega as the omega went around the ground to sit in a corner.

Jungkook's actions didn't went unnoticed by his friends. "kook-ah is this why you were so absent minded these days?" Hoseok enquired.

Seeing him not respond was enough for Hoseok and Namjoon to understand the matter.

"Jungkook he is a mated omega."

"Thanks for your information. I never knew that." Jungkook's voice dropped with sarcasm.

"This is not a joke. This pack can get you killed for eyeing him...." Namjoon said sternly.

"I know. I know. But I just.... "

"just what?"

Jungkook didn't know. Just what. Just what for he was looking at the omega.

"Nothing." With that Jungkook dashed out from between his friends, not wanting to questioned further.

His eyes went towards the omega. However he could see a nervous glint in his face. He was scared, Jungkook could tell. His eyes followed the directions of Taehyung's eyes.

It was Jiyong.

Now Jungkook was not someone who judges a book by its cover but he knew he disliked that alpha, without having any interaction with him.

Jungkook saw that the other alpha was approaching a timid Taehyung. He didn't know why the omega was anxious, but he knew it was somehow related to Jiyong.

He felt the need to intervene, to help the omega, to protect the omega.

Before he could give a second thought to his actions he bolted towards the alpha and bumped him hoping that the omega would take this distraction as a chance to escape at least for sometime.

"Are you blind?" came a rude remark from Jiyong.

"Are you?" Jungkook said, equally rude.

"You were the one who was walking, no running like a lunatic."

"You could have just moved" Jungkook felt childish for having conversations as this. He knew it was his fault but he felt like provoking. Not wanting to accept his fault, so he added, "or are you not skilled enough to move quickly?"

"Look at your audacity. You are at fault yet you are still arguing with me. Of course. Just because you joined a pack doesn't change the fact you were a rogue. A homeless lone wolf. How can I expect you to be good mannered."

Now that was too much. It was just a bump. Jungkook knew he was guilty but this harsh words were not something he deserved for that.

But before he could retaliate, one of the few wares who gathered around to look at the commotion, intervened and took Jiyong somewhere else.

Jungkook stood there blankly without moving staring at nothing for a few moments.

When he regained his awareness, he snapped his head towards Taehyung.

He was not there.

At least his motive was successful.

The omega escaped. But where.

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