Chapter 9

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"Ahh...." Taehyung whined. He was once again with Jungkook. His hyung was absolutely correct now a days he had no time for others. Because he was busy only with Jungkook.

And he had no regrets.

"What is it? You are whining from that time" Jungkook chuckled as he asked the cute omega.

"Why!? I can't whine? Is it bothering you? Then I'm going to do more."

As Taehyung whined the alpha could not help but laugh at him fondly. He ruffled the omega's hair as he said, "why are you being so cute for?"

There was a sudden quietness. Both of them were surprised at the sudden comment.

Taehyung was blushing deeply and the alpha wasn't any better.

Jungkook wasn't sure what to do next. It was just a harmless compliment but maybe the hair ruffling part was unnecessary.

Also when did they become so close. Literally. There was not any space between them, sitting very closely right next to each other. 

Well it escalated fast. As they began meeting frequently they started sitting closer every passing day.

Jungkook felt he didn't need to say anything because he wasn't lying. He found the omega cute.

Taehyung on the other hand had felt those butterflies in tummy feelings after a long time. Was Jin  right? Was the alpha really attracted to him? Maybe. Taehyung didn't know why he was pleased with this.

He already was taking a lot of risk by keeping contacts with  another alpha. Also he might say it's just innocent conversation between them but both knew they talk here and never in the presence of others because they wanted to hide. Hide whatever they had between them.

They knew the pack would never take a mated omega secretly meeting another alpha.

But Taehyung wasn't willing to stop whatever they had. He just couldn't.

So decided to ignore the butterflies in his tummy. Ignore in what direction their relationship was progressing.

Because Jungkook made him happy and he wishes to be happy.

"I'm craving for food. I want food. No no I need food. Aghhh.... Something sweet." Taehyung said.

"oh my goodness. Is this why you were whining and here I thought you were hurt." Jungkook replied. "Come on. Let's go get some sweet fruits for you"

"I don't want to go back this soon."

"Me either. Come on."

The alpha stood up dusting his pants and offering his hands for Taehyung to take.

Taehyung didn't have to think twice.

Holding hands they went deeper into the forest.

That's what felt right, felt natural.


"How long? We are walking from that time." The tired omega complained in a whiny voice.

"Just a little more. Are you tired?" Jungkook asked holding his hand a little tighter.

Taehyung nodded his hair bouncing and cheeks flushed because of walking for a long time. The alpha felt he had never seen anything more beautiful but then again the omega was always  beautiful.

"This place we are going to is where I used to go when I was a rogue." Jungkook said successfully gaining the tired omega's attention.

This was the first time Jungkook said anything about his previous way of life and Taehyung was intrigued. He wanted to know about it. Back in the head Jin's words made him curious. He wanted to know what caused the alpha to leave his earlier pack?

But whatever it was he knew the alpha was not bad. Jungkook looked cold and tough from outside but under it was very warm and soft just like his grip on Taehyung's hand. It was firm but gentle.

But suddenly Jungkook stilled his hold became tighter.

"What happened?" Taehyung asked but then he needed no answer because he smelled it too.
"Oh my God! They are from our pack"

Taehyung panicked, it was not gonna go well if they found the pair like that. But Jungkook quickly took off his jacket putting it on Taehyung and then hugged him close and rubbing his face on the side of the omega's neck.

The omega was stunned. The alpha was scenting him! But after a moment he realized what the alpha was doing.

Jungkook hid the smell of the omega.

And just like that Taehyung was pushed into the thick bushes.

"Oh Jeon what are you doing here?"

"Nothing just taking a strolling"

"Going back to your old rogue ways?" mocking laughter sounds filled the air.

Taehyung, who was hiding behind the bushes was not only uncomfortable but also livid.
Why would others call him rogue when he clearly has a pack!?

He wanted to make his presence known and give them a piece of mind but knew better that that.

"I think you should be on your own way. You don't need to worry about me." Jungkook's stern voice successfully stopped their laughter.

With few murmured 'yeah whatever' footsteps could be heard going away from them.

Taehyung stayed put but a hand was extended his way which the omega immediately took a hold of and came out of his hiding place.

"Oh Jungkookie I got scared. Thank God they are gone now. I don't know what would have happened if they are us......."

The alpha could not pay attention to the omega rambling as he dusted his clothes. His mind entirely on the nickname that slipped out of the adorable omega who took no notice of it.

"Alpha? "

"huh..... Yeah"

There was a silence, not being able to decide now what.

"Do you still want to go to the place?"

"Why not. Come on Jungkookie let's go" said the omega as he took hold of the alpha's hand and started dragging him.

But he stopped. Because he had to say something.

"Alpha.... You're not a rogue now. You're a part of our pack. I'm with you, you are not alone."

Not getting a response the omega was extremely embarrassed.

The said alpha was feeling many different emotions. But the feelings of fondness and love the most intense.

He couldn't help but extend his free hand,  other hand still holding Taehyung,  carefully cupping Taehyung's  cheeks.

They were both standing there looking at each other with unexplained emotions in their eyes.

Or maybe they were aware of their feelings but just scared to admit it.

After a moment without any other word. Jungkook stepped forward going to the place they were meant to go.

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