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the Enchanted Forest

Once upon a time, there was a princess, named Regina. She was beautiful and beloved by the whole kingdom. Only nobody new that the princess wasn't happy. That was because her mother, Cora, forced her to marry King Leopold.

"Mother, I don't wanna marry the king" Regina told her mother. Cora smiled softly, "believe me my dear, marrying  the king is a good decision for your futur". Regina looked into her mothers eyes. "But mother, what if I don't want this future?"

"Regina, you are marrying him, whether you want it or not. This is our chance to rich, and you have to take that" Cora said and walked out of the room.

Regina looked into her mirror, and she let down a tear. She didn't want to marry the king, 'cause she didn't love him, but she could never go againt her mother.


Regina spended most of her time riding horse, usually to clear her head. That's when she met Daniel, the stable boy.

Regina was sick of her mother telling her what to do. She walked to the horsestables, hoping that some riding would clear er head. She walked into the stables and saw a guy. "Excuse me, what are you doing" I asked to the guy. He turned around and she saw his face. He had brown hair and hazel brown eyes, he looked quite handsome. "I'm sorry, I was just cleaning" he said."I'm Daniel" he offered her his hand. "Regina" she said

"Nice to meet you"

"Nice to meet you too"


After she met Daniel, Regina was almost every day in the stables. they talked and, laughed and both loved to ride. Litlle she know she fell in love with him and so did he. But Regina knew that her Mother wasn't going to happy if she'd be marrying a stable boy. So they decided to run away together.

It was already dark outside. Regina was waiting for Daniel in the horsestables.  they were planning on running away tonight. The door flew open and Regina ran up to him, "Good, you made it"

"Our you sure this is the best idea" he asked her. "I'm positive" I told him. We grabbed eachothers hands and walked to the door. it flew open and there stood Cora.



Cora found out about Regina and Daniel's secret relationship. She was furious. She grabbed Daniel's heart out of his chest and crushed it his infront of her daughters eyes.

"NOOO!" Regina kneeled down next to Daniel's dead body. "Daniel, please, don't be dead" she cried. "Calm down, my dear, we both know it was for the best" Cora said.

"I'm so sorry" she cried and pulled Daniel's body close to her, "Please forgive me for what i did to you"


Regina was hart broken but her mom still forced her to marry the king and eventually she did.

"Oh, Regina, you look so beautiful" Cora told her Daughter as she was fitting her wedding dress. "Mother, I don't even like this dress" Regina looked at herself in the  mirror.

"It doesn't matter if you like it, as long as the king likes it" her mother told her. "Now stand up straight and look like a queen" Cora commanded. Regina did what she said, but nothing what she did was good.


A couple of days after the wedding, Regina found out that she was pregnant. She knew that the baby wasn't the kings. Cora forbade her to have the baby, but Regina didnt listen. 9 months later, a beautiful baby girl was born.

"Do you have a name yet?" asked the nurse. Regina looked at her baby girl, who smiled at her. "Katherine. Katherine Danielle Mills" she said. She had the same hazel brown eyes just like her father, Daniel. Regina let down a tear, this time not from sadness, but from joy.


Cora despised the child, even though it was her grandchild. on a cold winter night, Cora sneaked into the castle. she grabbed the baby and disappeared.

Regina was devastated when she heard the news about Katherine. that night she walked to the balcony and looked at the stars. "Wherever you are my little angel, just know that your mother loves you" She said to the stars. She was holding Katherine's red baby blanket close to her.

"Don't worry, I will find you, I will always find you"

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