Chapter 2

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The Enchanted Forest


It was a dark, cold winter night. It was raining, and a woman with a purple hoodie was walking through the woods. The woman carried something close to her, it was a baby, barely a week old.

The woman stopped and took of her hoodie, it was Cora. "Rumplestiltskin!" she called.

A man with a golden skin appeared in the darkness, "don't need to shout, I'm right here, dearie"

She walked up to him, "Do you have what I need?"

He waved with his hand and a magic been appeared. It was green, and shined in the darkness.

He handed it to her, "Be careful dearie, all magic come with a prise"

She smiled, "Don't worry Rumple, I know what I do"

She threw the bean, and a magic portal appeared on the ground. Cora looked down at the baby, "without you, my daughter has her best chance"

She placed the baby in the portal and it disappeared, "goodbye, Katherine"



I opened my eyes, and looked at my alarm clock, it was 7 am. "Finally, you're awake" I heard Emma.

She was already dressed and busy making coffee. "You know it's 7 am, right?" I asked annoyed, I hated waking up early.

She grabbed two cups, "I know, I just wanna start the day early" she handed me my coffee.

After I was finished my coffee, I stepped out of bed and I got dressed.

I was making a ponytail, "What are we doing today?"

" I thought we could-" we heard a knock on our door. Emma opened it and we saw Regina standing in the hallway with a basket of apple's.

"Did you know the honey crisp tree is the most vigorous and hardy of all apple trees? It can survive temperatures as low as 40 below and keep growing. It can weather any storm. I have one that I've tended to since I was a little girl" she told us.

She grabbed an apple, "And to this day I have yet to taste anything more delicious than the fruits it offers"

She gave the apple to Emma, "thanks"

She looked at me, "do you want one?"

I shook my head, "no thank you"

"I'm sure you'll enjoy them when on your drive home" she said.

"Actually, we're gonna stay for a while" said Emma.

Regina stopped smiling, "I'm not sure that's such a good idea. Henry has enough issues, he doesn't need you confusing him"

"All due respect, Madame mayor, the fact that you have now threatened me twice in the last 12 hours makes me want to stay more" said Emma.

She smiled innocently, "since when are apples a threat?

"I can read between the lines. Sorry, I just want to make sure Henry's okay" said Emma.

"He's fine, dear. Any problems he has are being taken care of" she said.

Emma raised her eyebrow, "what does that mean?"

"It means I have him in therapy. It's all under control. Take my advice, Ms Swan, only one of us knows what's best for Henry" she told her.

"Yeah, I'm starting to think you're right about that" said Emma.

"It's time for you to go" she said.

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