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Blaire Willow's Pov

"Goodmorning ma'am." I greeted my boss.

"Goodmorning. The papers are in the drawer. Go get them for me." the first thing she said.

I immediately get the papers from the drawer as what she said.

"Ma'am. You have a meeting this afternoon. 1pm..." I reminded her about her meeting.

"Ok. Uhm.. Send these files to the main office for me." the next thing she told me to do.

"Ahh.. Yes.." i picked the files up.

It was a bit heavy but it's fine.
On this time of the day it really is rush hour so I don't have time to complain.

I walked as fast as I can to the main office in the left wing of the building.

"Excuse me. Sir?" i said after knocking.

"Come in come in." the man said.

"These are the files from district 3." I said.

"Place them on the table." the man said while he was busily typing with his laptop.

I went out from his office and went straight back to my boss.

"It's done ma'am." i informed my boss.

"Ok. Uhm... Btw... I' not sure but we might have to move one of the interns to the big hit entertainment building." she said while she is busy signing papers.

"Really?" I shockedly asked.

"Yes. You will know the results later." she said.

"Ok."  I said while organizing the printed files.

"attention to all employees... The meeting will start in 10 minutes at the conference room." an announcement was made.

"uhmm.. I think you should go ma'am. Leave these files to me." i said.

"Ok." she sighed before she hurriedly went out.

While she was gone, I cleaned the office and phtocopied the papers that should be photocopied, printed the files that should be printed, and also organized the papers.

"This is going to be a long day." I said to myself.

Well, I really am doing this for my dream to be a fashion designer.

An hour later....

My boss came in the office.

"Ma'am you're here. I've done the things I had to do." I said.

"Ok. That's great. BTW you are the lucky intern that will be moved to the BHE building. There are chances that you might be promoted as an assistant designer there." she said.

My heart is overflowing with happiness when I heared those words.

Really? Thank you! Thank you! I excitedly said.

Finally my dream of becoming a fashion designer is slowly becoming true.

3 days later.

Today I am going to work at Big Hit entertainment building.

Today is my first day.

I'm not familiar with the place though.

And there is no doubt that this building is much bigger and wider than the previous building where I used to work.

"Uh.. Goodmorning. Do you know where the intern's room is?" I asked the receptionist.

"Third floor. If you use the elevator it will be the third room from your left." she said.

"Uhmm... Thanks." I smiled while thanking her.

I went to the elevator.

The door was about to close when two men stopped it and entered the elevator.

They were taller than me and wore sunglasses inside the building.


"Hi. You must be the new intern. I'm Kim Namjoon from BTS. " one of them introdiced himself.

"Hi i'm Blaire Willow." i smiled.

"Please work hard so that you will be promoted as assistant fashion designer for BTS. By the way I am Jimin." the other man introduced himself too but I just smiled awkwardly.

"Uh.... Bt what? BTS? What's that?" i asked wich made them laugh really hard.

Why did they laugh?

And what is Bee tee es. Be ti is. Be ti-

Ah whatever that is.

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