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Kim Namjoon's Pov

"Really? You don't.... You don't know BTS?" I asked her.

"Uh....." she placed her index finger on her chin.

"Nope." she's replied.

Ive met some people who have never seen us before but I've never seen someone who doesn't know us.

Amazing.. Daebakk....

"Oh. Never mind us. Hehehe. Where are you going?" I asked her.

"To the interns room. Third floor." she replied.

Hmm.. Ok. We will escort you in there." i offered her help.

" Thanks. " she gladly accepted it.

When we reached the third floor of the building, Jimin and I sent her to the intern's office.

But we left before she entered.

She doesn't recognize us so this is a good chance to make her our true friend who we can trust.

It's very hard to find a friend who will be with you for who you really are when you are famous.

"Excuse me? Blaire.. We're out. Bye." Jimin said.

"Ok. Bye thank you!" we both walked out and disappeared from her sight.

Blaire's Pov

I'm so thankful.

I made my first two friends already.


I excitedly knocked on the door.

A girl opened..

"Name." the first word that came from her mouth.

"ahh.. Eh.. I-I'm B-blaire W-willow." I stuttered due to nervousness.

"Oh. You must be the new girl." she said before opening the door widely as a sign to welcome me.

"Excuse me.... Are you ms. Karylle?" I asked her curiously.

"Yes. I am." Great! She is my new boss!

"Come in. So let's start working. First organize the designs that are on the table." she said while continuing to draw this suit.

It is black but it has a unique design.

It has a logo of something or some group on the upper left side of the suit.

She is such a great designer.

" What are you waiting for? " She scolded me.

" Sorry ma'am." I said before doing what she instructed.

"Uhmm.. Where are the other interns ma'am?" I asked her while I was organizing the folders and the envelopes that are full of sketches.

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