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Blaire's Pov

After I delivered the files to the fashion committee, I went to the comfort room to pee.

It was a bit hot in here so I decided to wash my face.

I went out of the C. R. and as I was walking along the hallway I saw this guy sitting on the floor.

It looks like he is having an allergy because of the red spots on his body.

"Excuse me? 궨차나요? (kwenchanayo? / Are you ok)" I asked him.

He didn't bother to look at me so I decided to sit in front of him.

"Wait. Aren't you one of them?" I asked.

He looked at me confusingly.

"One of who?" finally... He spoke to me.

"Like. One of like Mr. Kim Namjoon's friends from the elevator. Right?" I replied.

"Oh. It's you. What's your name again?" he asked.

"Hi. I'm Blaire Willows. You?" I smiled and making a handshake gesture.

"I'm Kim Taehyung. But don't you really recognize me? Us? Bts?" he asked curiously.

"Uh... No. Why? Do you know something that I don't? Why? Mr. Kim Namjoon asked me the same thing too... Why?" I've got a lot of questions running through my head right now.

What is Bts?

Who are they?

Are they famous or something?

Do I have to recognize them? Whatever....

" Hahaha. Amazing... You will know soon enough. " He said while scratching the itches in his body.

"Hey. Stay here.. I'll get some help." I immediately stood up but he stopped me.

He stopped me by grabbing mg hands.

Whoah.. He has cold hands...

He looked at me awkwardly.

"미안함니다! (I'm sorry)" he said after he let go of my hands.

I just nodded.

" I just don't want my co-members to worry about me." He added.

"Ok... But... Co-members? Co-members of what?" I asked.

His eyes widened..

And silence wrapped the hallway.

"Hey! V! Are you ok? Did yoy cholinergic utricaria attacked again?" I looked back when a man talked.

He was putting both of his hands in his pocket.

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