Chapter 33

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This was weird. It seems like that everyone is just dying around us. Cam hasn't came out her room in forever, and well I have been in Louis embrace all day.
I was currently bawling my eyes out. Why is this happening?
After this funeral today what's going to happen?
"Baby, get up for a second. I have to use the bathroom." Louis say kissing my forehead. I moved and he got up.
I laid my head back down on the couch.
Zayn's POV
I held her in my arms as we laid in bed. She was sound asleep. Cam was crying all night, and I'm just happy she's finally getting some sleep.
I looked at her and kissed her lips. And I slowly crawled out of bed without waking her.
"Fuck! Louis you scared me!" I said closing the bedroom door behind me.
"Sorry mate. Harry is cooking lets go get food."
We walked down stairs and we entered the kitchen. It was lonely.
No Paul just the rest of the boys.
Niall wasn't laughing, Harry wasn't screaming, Liam wasn't singing.
It just wasn't the same.
"What time is the funeral?" I questioned.
"11:30. So we should start getting dressed." Harry spoke. We heard crying.
We all looked out the door frame of the kitchen and seen Cam in Reilly's arms.
They both were shaking and crying. I Walked up and grabbed Camryn telling her it was time to get dressed.
She grabbed my hand and I led her to the bathroom.

Once we all arrived we just stood there at the door. Thinking, is this really happening?

"Zayn, I don't think I'm ready for this" She say as a tear fall from her eyes. I kissed the now stained tear and said
"Baby, everything will be okay. You just got to get through this."

"You aren't alone Cam. Look at all of us who's here for you. We all lost Paul." Harry said kissing her cheek. I couldn't help but smile.

' We are gathered here today to celebrate the life of Paul. He was not only a uncle, he was a loving father, friend, brother, anything you name it. '

1 hour later.

' Now for the closing, we will have Miss Camryn with a few words.'
Camryn'S POV
I walked up there hearing applause. I suddenly looked out to see Paul in his casket. I smiled as a few tears left my eyes.
"Paul wasn't just a friend to me. He was like a father. He took my sister and in when we had no one. My sister and I went from 2 teenage orphans, to a loving family. And I just want to say thank you Paul. For everything. In the years I've gotten to know you, you made my life flip in all different directions. I- I "
My voice began to get shaky and I looked at Zayn who nodded his head.
"I love'd him." I cried out causing Zayn and my sister to come up. Zayn held my hand and my sister held the other.
"I wouldn't say Paul left me. I just want to say he's just not here physically. Paul, you taught me how to love again, so thank you." And with that I got down from the stage and went to Paul.

He looked so peaceful. I smiled and pecked his cheeks.
"I'm gonna miss you"
"I'm gonna miss him yelling at us." Louis say and we all laugh.
I sniffed my tears back and laughed along. I kissed my fingers and touched Paul's.


What an amazing day.


HEY GUYS! Hope you enjoyed! There will be at least one more chapter!!! 😘😘love you!

- Cam

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