The fall

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(Third Person P.O.V)

The vultures claws dug painfully into Peter's back as the vulture pulled them higher and higher into the darkness of the cold night. Peter tried hopelessly to get some control and wriggle from the tight grip the vulture had on him, wind whipped wildly around his face as tears streaked  down his bruised, maskless face.

Spiderman had been fighting the Vulture when he had grabbed him from behind, slamming him into the concrete and flying them upwards. His mask had been ripped off by another member of vultures gang, a satisfied look on his face upon seeing Peter's bruised and bloody face.

So here he was being dragged higher and higher into the dark night, streets packed with party goers, unaware of their friendly neighbourhood Spiderman being dragged to his death.

Fear crawled up his spine as he looked down, Peter isn't scared of heights, because he always has something to attach his web to, to stop the death inducing fall that he could take without it, but not this time. The emptiness of his surroundings stretched so far he couldn't see anything, he can see lights shining in the distance but they look more like sparks in the night, it's almost as though the earth is taunting him, willing him to at least try to escape. All he can see around him is the dark abyss of nothingness.

Something glistens below him and he stares down, squinting in the darkness to try and make it out. He can see the moon shining of it and he shudders in realisation. 

"Let me go" Peter demands, or at least tries to, it comes out more like a question and in a small voice.

The vulture laughs from above him and tighteners his hold on the spider, "Maybe this time you will stop interrupting my deals" he says, anger coating his voice.

With his claws he throws Peter upwards, toward him. Before Peter can react he feels a force like no other ripple across his face, darkness swirls his vision as he feels himself falling.

Then he hits something. Hard. The air is knocked out of him as he feels coldness consume him. It doesn't occur to him that he is in water, the pain from the hit clouding his mind, half conscious and falling further down the icy lake, he breaths. Pain punches him into realization, only then does he realize what has just happened. 

But it's too late. 

Ice cold water fills his lungs, destroying everything in its path. Darkness is all around him and he succumbs to the darkness and pain, allowing it to swallow him whole.


He has to get to him. Tony has to get to his son. FRIDAY was quick to alert Tony of what was going on, she had got a distress call from Karen as soon as Peters mask had been ripped away. Tony was in his suit going at full speed, praying his son is okay.

Arriving at his location, all Tony can see is a huge lake. His heart falls, and his world comes crashing down around him as he knows where Peter will be.

Peter is in the lake. 

Without another thought Tony dives down and follows the tracker. Seconds later he comes across Peter, laying there at the bottom of the freezing lake, blood surrounding him and pouring from his nose.

Tony quickly scoops him into his arms and shivers as he limply lays there, as soon as Tony is above the water he shoots to the nearest bank. Tony lays him cautiously onto the sand and jumps out of his suit. With shaking hands Tony kneels beside him and puts his fingers onto his pulse point. Tony shuts his eyes and prays. 

But there is nothing.

"No. No. No. NO. Come on kid wake up" Tony pleads, pulling Peter closer to himself. 

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