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The red wine doesn't go down as smoothly as Cherry would have wanted, the taste of fruit too sweet for her taste buds. She groans silently, sticking her tongue out in disgust. Looking at the large table she leans against, she spots a plain and simple-looking glass of alcohol out of the large array of bottles in front of her. She leans over the table, reaching to wrap her fingers around the neck of the bottle. Her rings make contact with the glass, creating a near-silent clinking sound before she stands up straight, bottle in hand.

Her eyes skimmed over its words, her vision the slightest bit blurry from the cup of alcohol she had previously drank. Pouring the liquid into her red cup, she allows it to swirl for a few moments before downing the drink. The taste that is left on her tongue is something she likes and one that makes her want more. Pouring it into her cup once more, she takes another small sip before disappearing into the crowd of bodies.

Passing through, she is able to get to the bathroom without much of a problem, except for a few people spilling their drinks here or there. Nonetheless, she finds this bathroom empty of bodies, making a happy sigh pass her lips. Locking the door, she sits on the bathroom counter, sipping her drink in peace. She can feel the walls vibrating from the loud music, but she is still content nonetheless.

That is until she hears a loud groan come from the bathtub, forcing a groan from her lips as well. She allows the back of her head to hit the wall before looking across the room, taking notice of someone's shadow behind the shower curtain. They're not standing with a knife in hand, luckily. She watches their hands grab at the air while a moan passes their lips.

Hopping off the counter, she loses feeling in her legs for a few moments. She shakes it off, though, and continues her expedition to the shower curtain.

With one last sip of her drink, she places the half-filled cup on the toilet lid before grabbing the shower curtain. It has an undesirable texture thanks to a mixture of plastic, rubber, and mildew in the curtain. Yanking it, the shower curtain's clamps snap under her strength. Gravity takes over, and the curtain falls on top of the unknown person sitting in the bathtub.

"What the fuck?!" they exclaim, clawing at the curtain with little coordination. It forces a hushed laugh from Cherry's lips as she watches them struggle for a bit. When the laughter subsides, she pulls the shower curtain up and off the person before letting it hit the floor with no more than a crinkle, the thing seemingly crumbling beneath itself.

"You're drunk as hell," Cherry states, raising a brow at the boy in front of her. She watches the boy's reaction, wondering why his pretty face was a pale color before turning green. And thanks to the alcohol in her system, her reaction time is slower, allowing the boy to throw up on her shoes before she could even think. "THE FUCK!!!" Cherry screams, jumping back. Her shoes don't make contact with the tile floor, though. They instead meet the mushy food and alcohol the boy just regurgitated up. And thanks to its runny texture, her shoes lose all of their traction. It makes her slip like a cartoon character would, her feet up in the air as she exclaims something she cannot comprehend before hitting the floor with a loud bang. She feels the vomit soak into her jacket while it has already made knots in her hair.

"That's-" the boy's sentence is cut off by a loud burp leaving him. "I feel a lot better," he drunkenly giggles. "I'm Sean." He gives her a grin that Cherry cannot see, but she can hear another loud burp that follows his greeting.

"I'm..." she trails off, a shiver going up her spine as the cold substance finally soaks through her shirt, making contact with her skin. "I'm going to beat the living shit out of you."

Sean Diaz
voiced by gonzalo martin

Sean Diazvoiced by gonzalo martin

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