destination: venice

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if i were to fall in love, it would have to be in venice. i would accept no other place, for how could any other location compare?

to take gondola rides under sweeping bridges, sailing swanlike down the grand canal, and to watch the opal water ripple as we glided through the silken streams of the city.

to stroll arm in arm along a bustling street, with gelato melting, sticky sweet, down our wrists and blushes dusting our cheeks. for our lips to taste of chocolate and amaretto when they meet.

to watch the sunset melt and gild the stones of the city, a dripping reflection of saffron and vermillion swirling in the sea.

to glance at st.mark's square, and marvel at the burnt sienna rooftops, to watch the soaring domes cast their shadow on the lovesick tourists below, knowing that we are just like them.

we'll marvel at tintoretto's work in scuola grande di san rocco, and gawk at bellini's altarpiece in chiesa di san zaccaria.

the floating city hides away many wonders, like hidden morsels of magic tucked away.

oh, how i want to fall in love with you like i fell in love with venice-

i wandered through the city and carved out memories of the endless water and stone and sunshine to shelve in the halls of my heart.

will you let me wander the halls of your heart? i swear i'll be careful with it. i'll carve out memories and tuck them into the shelves of your heart. so that you can remember what it felt like to kiss me in la serenissima, my city of dreams, my heaven on earth.

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