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both ways? i've questioned sometimes.
it feels wrong to have to think about it?
feels like you are or aren't.
maybe i am?
both sides look like slices of heaven.
tangerine plump lips and eyes like chunks of shimmering opals.
soft hips and soft eyes and wicked, wicked smiles.
saffron cheeks and cocoa skin and laughs like ringing bells.
venus curves and pallas' wit and diana's piercing eyes.
what wouldn't i give for an hour with you?
sharp lines and lean jaws and long hair and hip bones like shearing blades.
flat planes and fierce angles and tempting, tantalus smiles.
dionysus curls and wine weeping down your neck.
can i taste the smears on your throat?
what a dilemma.
what a delightfully frustrating dilemma.
maybe? probably?
see on both sides, right?

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