Why him? - Part. 5

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Daniel's POV

I saw that Jihoon was tearing and he looked sincerely sad. But on the other hand, Minhyun hyung was slightly smirking. I could sense that he was enjoying the embrace he was receiving from Jihoon as if he wanted Jihoon to cry because of me. Then he slightly turned his face and saw me staring at them. He smirked once again and started caressing Jihoon's face. He knew that what he was doing made me annoyed. He faced Jihoon and spoke.

"Do you want to sleep in my bed for today?"

I just had to scoff at what he said. I knew he was trying to seduce my boy. I was anticipated to wait for Jihoon's reply. I wish he decline Minhyun's request but I don't think so. I knew that he was upset because of me.

"Can I, hyung? Just for today?"

Minhyun smiled and nodded. But I know his innocent smile is so not innocent. I had to scoff once again at his fake smile. I mean, why is everyone so obsessed with my boyfriend? Why Jihoon? Just because of his looks or his kindness?  I just couldn't understand why they have to steal my boy. 

"Should we get going?"

I heard Minhyun hyung as they were getting up. As Jihoon turned to head back to the dorm, he saw my face, facing towards them, with an obviously irritated face.

"Daniel hyung?"

Jihoon sounded surprised. I guess he didn't expect me to be here, listening to everything they've said. 

"Let's go Jihoon, I want you to not think about anything right now, let's go and rest."

Minhyun hyung grabbed Jihoon's slender wrist and pulled towards him. He started walking past me but I abruptly grabbed Jihoon' other wrist. 

"Who told you to touch my boyfriend like that?"

I could see Jihoon getting shocked once again. His big doe eyes even grew bigger like a rabbit. I founded it cute but it wasn't the right time to admire his beauty, I still had to deal with the situation. 

"Excuse me, Daniel? Remember I'm your hyung, you need to respect the elders."

He spoke but I just scoffed for the thousandth time.

"I don't need to respect someone who doesn't deserve my respect at all who steals someone else's boyfriend like that, asking them if they could sleep with someone like you!"

I spoke which made Minhyun hyung's eye grew as well. I knew it was wrong to say those mean things to elders but I just couldn't contain myself from saying them. Plus, he deserved it.

Minhyun pulled Jihoon's wrist once again and started walking furiously.

"Why you gotta date someone who can't even respect their elder like him? I don't get you Jihoon. Even though I like you a lot and I respect your choice, I don't think you made the right choice this time. You should forget about him."

I stopped them from going by grabbing Jihoon's wrist for the 2nd time. I made Jihoon turn around and told me to wait. He just looked at both of us and exclaimed.

"Hyung! Just stop! I'm sick of this! Why do you guys have to make me suffer from this situation? I just want you guys to leave me alone, I need some time. I'm staying with Guanlin and Jiyoung tonight, so please, leave me alone."

Jihoon madly cried out while in the urge to cry. I wanted to stop him from running away from us but he already ran away, disappearing from our sight. I just slowly followed Jihoon, heading back to the dorm. As soon as I got to the dorm, I saw Guanlin and Jinyoung comforting Jihoon. They were treating Jihoon wrists for some reason. Then I've realised that Minhyun hyung I've been pulling Jihoon' wrist too hard. Gosh, I felt so bad for my baby. I came closer to Jihoon when Jinyoung stopped me.

"Don't. Just don't hyung. That's enough."

Guanlin looked at me in disappointment. I couldn't do anything but to just stare at Jihoon getting into the room by Jinyoung and Guanlin's accompany. I would wish for nothing if he comes back to me. 

Jihoon' POV

I couldn't do anything but to just ignore everything, including Daniel hyung. To be honest, I missed seeing his face already but I had no choice to avoid him just for now. I didn't want to see him right now so I asked if I could sleep with Guanlin and Jinyoung otherwise I had to sleep with Daniel hyung. I was glad when they gladly said I could sleep with them. I went into the room with their company. I'm so glad that I have a friend like them otherwise I would be suffering so much by myself. I was relieved that the bed size was king size bed because Daniel hyung and my bed was queen size bed which just fitted the two of us. Jinyoung told me to lay down in the middle. At first, I was confused why but then I've realised that it was the right thing to do because Guanlin and Jinyoung were having a beef with each other at the moment.  As I was sleeping, both Guanlin and Jinyoung was hugging me so I couldn't move a single bit. It was pretty uncomfortable but it made me warm in this cold weather so I just left them hugging me. A few minutes passed and I was in the middle of dozing off when I heard a door cracking.  I slightly opened my left eye to see who it was. I couldn't see anything except Guanlin and Jinyoung sleeping. Then I heard someone whispering quietly.

"I know you're sleeping and that you can't hear me, but I'm just going to say it, otherwise, you'll probably not listen to me."

I knew it was Daniel hyung. His soft husky voice really amazed me even though I was upset because of him. He continued whispering while sitting on the ground.

"Jihoon, when I first heard that you liked me as well, I felt like I was in heaven. Butterflies fluttered around my stomach every time I see you and every time I touched you. At first, I didn't know I liked you, I thought it was just simply a friendship. But the more I saw you, I've realised it was love. I'm sorry for making you upset today, I wish I could rewind the time and not say those hurtful things. I'm so sorry, Jihoon, my one and only boyfriend."

I was starting to tear up and Daniel was about to go out when I stopped him by hugging his back tightly.

"Hyung, Daniel hyung! I'm so sorry! I missed you so much!"

I cried out. Daniel hyung turned around and faced me.

"Jihoon! I'm so sorry as well. I can never live without you."

Daniel hyung spoke, hugging me tightly, as I enjoyed his warm embrace, warmer than any other embrace. We both tightly embraced each other that night like there's no tomorrow. 

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