I wanna be your boyfriend - Part. 6

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Daniel's POV

I woke up feeling a warm embrace next to me. It was Jihoon. I smiled widely at his existence. I still couldn't believe that he was my boyfriend at that we got to stay with each other for 1.5 years. Although we may get separated after those years, I'm still positive that I will still love him. He slowly turned his head towards me. I witnessed the most cutest human being ever. I slightly chuckled when he was scrunching his cute little nose. I couldn't hold but to boop his nose. Then he slowly opened his eyes, facing my giggly face. He chuckled as well which made my heart flutter. I slowly leaned in for a short kiss. I softly grabbed back of his neck and pulled it towards me. His lips were softer than a pillow, sweeter than a lollipop and tempting than any other existence. When I was about to pull away to breath, he suddenly grabbed my head and pulled himself on to me for a deep kiss. I didn't expect him to be so dominant but today he was being so commanding. I gave in because I couldn't resist it. My tongue slowly wrapped his shot tongue which made him moan a little. I laughed a bit which made Jihoon pinch my cheeks. 

"Ouch! That hurts, Jihoon!"

Jihoon pouted cutely. I just can't handle his cuteness!

"Why did you laugh?"

He asked me still pissed, pouting again. I explained how he was just cute trying to make an attempt to act as a kissing expert. He just shrugged his shoulder and hugged me tightly. I hugged him back for good 10 seconds when I heard Jisung hyung screaming outside.

"Guys!!! Wake up! We have to shoot a music video for our new song!"

Right! I forgot about that! Today we were shooting for our new debut song, "Energetic". Like the song title, the song was very energetic and exciting, It also suited our group, especially Jihoon. Jihoon's attractive charm made the song more bright and cheerful. 

No one's POV

Wanna One members were now heading to the van. Daniel and Jihoon wanted to sit next to each other however, other members also was heading for the seat next to Jihoon. Jihoon sat at the right-back next to the window. Members including Daniel, Guanlin, Jinyoung, Minhyun and even Seongwoo wanted to sit next to Jihoon. 

"Guys, guys, guys! Just do papers, scissors, rock! What's the problem?"

Jisung shouted once again, got annoyed by how they were so childish and how they were so obsessed with Jihoon. He admitted that Jihoon is a cute and handsome dongsaeng but he thought they were just going too far. Now it was time to do papers, scissors, rock. All the members looked nervous for some reason as if they have t sacrifice their life if they lose.

"Papers, scissors, rock!"

Unexpectedly, the drive was fairly quiet. The members who lost the game just quietly glared at a particular member at the back, who was sitting with Jihoon. On the other hand, Jihoon and Seongwoo were just playing in their own world, laughing and joking around. A few minutes passed. All members fell into sleep except Jihoon and Seongwoo. They were still joking around with dad jokes and so. Jihoon yawned an rubbed his eyes, feeling sleepy.

"Aww~ Jihoon, are you sleepy?"

Seongwoo asked Jihoon while caressing his soft hair.

"Yes hyung, should we sleep for a moment since we still have time to get there?"

Jihoon asked, yawning once again.

"Before that, Jihoon, can I ask you something?"

Seongwoo spoke seriously. He looked like as if he was determined to say something important. Jihoon nodded and closed his eyes a little. Seongwoo began to speak.

"Jihoon, since we first met as a young trainee during the survival show, we didn't know each other that much so it was a little awkward. When I saw you dancing during the evaluation, I thought you were such an amazing person and I thought you would get an A but when you got a C, to be honest, I was pretty mad with the trainers haha. When came first for 3 consecutive days, I was truly happy that I thought you had a high chance of debuting. When people are ranked high, they become so rude and impolite. But you were different. You stayed humble and kind to others, even with the trainees that envied your place. I really liked that part you. I was genuinely happy when we got to be in the same group for "Get ugly". When I saw you struggling and getting pressured due to everyone's high expectation towards you, I couldn't do anything but to just watch you because Daniel and other trainees were always beside you. But now, I want to be by your side and protect you, Jihoon. So, Jihoon, do you want to be my boyfriend?"

While Seongwoo was waiting anxiously for Jihoon's answer when he felt a slight weight on his right shoulder. It was Jihoon's tiny head. Seongwoo just chuckled how cute Jihoon was.

"I'll just officially confess to him even better next time!"

Seongwoo exclaimed and laid his head on top of Jihoon's and fell asleep. What Seongwoo didn't know is that members that like Jihoon was secretly listening to the conversation, pretending to be sleeping. Daniel was privately clenching his teeth, Guanlin was scoffing quietly, Jinyoung was scratching head irritatedly, and Minhyun was thinking deeply what he should do. Now he had four rivals to get through to make Jihoon his. He sighed and went back to sleep insecurely. 

Jihoon's POV

I woke up feeling a slightly heavy thing on top of my head. It was Seongwoo hyung. Then I've realised that I was sleeping on hyung's shoulder as well. Oops, what should I do? Am I supposed to wake him up or not? Since I didn't want to disturb hyung's peaceful sleep, I just left him like that and began to play some games on my phone. Wait, I remember that Seongwoo hyung was saying something... I was trying so hard to retrieve my memory when our manager spoke.

"Guys! Wake up! We're here!"

Everyone started waking up, and I saw Seongwoo hyung slowly opening his eyes facing me smiling. I smiled back and I decided to ask him later.

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