Finding out

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Spiderleg P.O.V
I was happy for daisy and me. I found a pink carnation. And gave it to our blonde kit. I asked for Daisy for their names. She replied with "the blonde one petalkit, and the brown one hollykit." I love when new kits are born. It strengthens the clan, especially if their parents are strong!
We watch them play with other kits, from a distance of course. I purr at the thought of how strong they'll be when they're older. However....
Daisy doesn't seem as happy as me. Now, I'm not saying that I didn't expect this, but she asked for kits.... so I'm kinda suspicious. Knowing her is gonna use them? I have a knot in my stomach at the thought of it, so I left for a bit to the fresh-kill pile. I was surprised to see cloudtail there! We chat for a bit, then I remember about the kits and daisy! I found them sleeping in the nursery so I was relieved. And slept in the Warriors den.
But... I still can't get the thought of her using our kits... so when I wake up my muscles are so stiff from not sleeping, if all.

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