New Neighbor?

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Draco arrived an hour late, his shirt crinkly, hair undone and eyes unrested. I called him into my office. "I need to talk to you," I stated as he closed the door. "First of all, I wanted to apologize at laughing at your face the other day when you truly apologized. I was incapable of believing that you were incapable of change, in which I am truly wrong about." Draco only nodded. "And now, I want to discuss your absence yesterday and late arrival this morning. Is there anything I should know?"

"No," He replied. "No, everything is fine." Just then, Tessa walked in with a stack of papers. "Draco, here's the apartment listings you asked for. I circled the cheap ones just like you asked." Draco's face referenced as he muttered a Thank you through gritted teeth.

"You're looking for an apartment?"

He looked at me. "Yes, Granger, I am. Since I started this whole independent thing with my mother, she also suggested I get my own place to prove I've really got my life under control."

"Oh, well, good luck," I said. "There's also a great stack of papers on your desk waiting to be proofread." 

He nodded and left, being the unfamiliar Draco. I didn't know if I was going to be grateful that he was quiet, or actually worried. And clearly him not having an apartment is what's been holding him back. As the workday ended, I packed my bags and got ready to leave. Draco was also ready to leave as I saw him stand up. He still had the stack of papers in his hand. I walked through the door and past his desk.

"Have a nice evening, Malfoy."

"Evening, Granger." 

I wanted to stay back and watch him work. I just never thought I'd witness the day Draco Malfoy would be so dedicated to work, nonetheless work under me. I dismissed the thought in my head and returned home. 

"And what do you smell in your Amortentia, Miss Granger?" 

Professor Slughorn leaned over a bit to observe my work. 

"I smell mint? A mix of mint and trees? It smells very ... much like cologne." 

"Cologne?" Professor Slughorn asked. 

"A muggle  invention to make one smell good, Professor," I explained. 

"How odd," Professor Slughorn. "Muggles must have very interesting....body odors." 


I woke up. There was no possible way. "My amortentia smells like ... Draco Malfoy?" 

How was that even possible? The wizarding world doesn't even have cologne! And I doubt Draco had the brain to mask his disgusting smell with cologne anyways. 

I slipped into a warm robe and slippers. Tea might fix this odd realization. 

As I settled down to sip her tea, I heard a loud bang followed by a grunt outside her door. I sat the mug down and walked over to the door, peeking out the whole into the dark hallway. 

"Bloody hell!" 

"Malfoy?" I whispered.

There was no way my luck could be this bad. 

 I opened the door and found multiple boxes across the hall and a distressed Malfoy on the floor. 

"Malfoy?" I asked. "What are you doing here?"

He looked up at me, obviously annoyed. 

"If you used your genius brain, you might be able to tell that I am moving." 

"You..." I said, "moving here?" 

Draco rolled his eyes. "And why would that surprise you?"

I shrugged. "I just didn't think you'd be able to afford living in these apartments." 

"I said I was searching for a job, I never said I was broke," he snapped. 

"Right," I replied. "Well, have fun." I turned around back to my apartment. 

"Oh, also," I added, "you do know you are a wizard. You could make it easier for yourself and just use your wand." 

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