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After my confession with the help of some Veritaserum, I stayed quiet. Draco, however started answering millions of questions, hoping I would answer. When we arrived home, I retired to my room, much to Draco's disappointment, and I called Caleb. After leaving many voicemails of apologies, I went back out, and Draco sat on the couch scrolling through TV channels.

We sat down and Draco spoke first. "What do we do now?"

I smiled. "Well what do you think?"

"I don't know, that's why I asked!"

I giggled. "I think you owe me a date."

Draco pulled me in and kissed me. "Well I think you owe me an apology," he said between kisses.

I smiled and pulled away. "I think you owe me a long overdue apology, Draco Malfoy."

He smirked, and his grey eyes melted into sincerity. He grabbed my hands and played with them. "I'm sorry, Hermione. I'm sorry for ever making you feel less than you were, because you're amazing. Positively the most wonderful woman I've ever met and gotten to love. I'm sorry for making you feel like you had to change yourself to be in with the cried when it was those very differences that made you stand out. And I'm sorry for putting you through years of torture because of your origin, because it is those reasons that I love you now." I didn't realize I was crying until he wiped them away, keeping his hands on my cheek. I leaned in towards his hand. "I love you, Hermione."

I smiled with joy. "I love you too, Draco." I leaned in and kissed him. We laid back into the couch and chuckled. I held his face, as he lifted his head to kiss my nose.

The Friends theme some played on the tv and I sat up. "What's this?" He asked.

I chuckled. "Friends, only my favorite tv show of all time. Only four seasons are out right now, but they're making more."

"Judging from the name, it sounds horrendous." I looked up at him and laughed.

"Well maybe if you watched it, you'd change your mind," I suggested.

A few hours in, and Draco already was hooked. "I don't understand why Ross wants a monkey around his apartment. Who wants to clean monkey shit?"

I giggled and laid back on his chest. "That's the magic of this. You don't have to understand the choices, you just enjoy the outcome."

As we stayed up all night on the couch watching the whole Friends marathon, I realized that the love I had always wanted was here, in my arms, and it wasn't going anywhere.


"I've never played before!"

"Which is exactly why you're going to learn today!"

After mentioning I'd never played or even attempted to play Quidditch, Draco dragged me to the Quidditch Park.

Draco threw his hands up in the air. "I rented this entire arena to teach you how to play."

"Never thought Draco Malfoy would teach me something someday," I said.

"Oh, there's a lot I've got to teach you," he smirked, winking.

"I'd probably fall off the stupid broom," I said undoubtedly.

"Then I'll catch you," Draco replied, wrapping me in his arms. "Now, the first step is to get you to ride a broom."

"I know how to ride a broom, Draco," I said.

"Maybe." he replied, "but riding for fun and riding while playing are two very different things. A quidditch player must be swift and fast, but also very aware of their surroundings." He picked up his broom and swiftly got on it before gliding off. His posture was lean and  forward, and his hands flew carefree by his sides. "You have to be confident enough to be able to let go of the broom."

I'd never flown with both hands off the broom before, and watching Draco already gave me anxiety. He landed on the ground, barely trying, and ushered me to grab my broom. "Draco, I can't."

"Come on," he said, "I'd never seen Hermione Granger back down from anything, especially when it was a challenge."

In his words of encouragement, I found strength and grabbed my broom. "Come one, I'll ride with you on your first ride."
I sat on it, and he sat behind me. I picked us off the ground and gripped tightly on the broom with my hands. "Don't be so stiff," Draco said, and he wrapped his arms around me to help me.

"Lean forward," he whispered, right above my ear.


Does he not know that I can't focus when he's so close to me?

I tried to relax, but I could hear his heart beat, and feel mine fasten to the sound of his.

"I can hear your heartbeat," he whispered, undoubtedly smirking. "I do believe I am now your greatest distraction from learning."

I leaned back into his chest, his heart now in sync with mine. "Maybe distraction is exactly what I need."

He leaned down and placed lips on mine with the softest touch. Almost like clouds hovering over mountains, touching, but soft. I let my hand go and reached back for his neck.

He smirked. "We're bound to fall if we don't get a grip."

I giggled. "Fine."

We landed and he tackled me onto the ground, him on top of me. "Draco, stop!" I giggled.

"I do remember Ginny mentioning you are ticklish," he said, and attacked my sides.

"No!" I yelled, almost dying from the hearty laughs, but we were stopped when a low clap echoed throughout the arena.

"I see Hermione's taste in men just keeps going down,"

We turned to see an annoyed Ron staring at us with a couple friends behind him. We got up, me being totally embarrassed.

"And I believe I rented this whole arena for only us two," Draco said.

Ron slowly walked towards us. "You know, I never got Hermione to agree to learn quidditch. However did you do it?"

I stepped up. "Maybe all it took was a man to finally treat me the way I deserve to be treated."

"And that man is Malfoy?" He said. "Really?"

"Yes." Draco said. "Any man with half a brain would know not to leave this woman behind."

Ron's face turned red with anger. Snickers from behind him filled the silence.

"Now, I believe this arena is ours for the day, so can you please leave?"

Ron handed me a paper. "Actually, I rented this arena out yesterday. You two ought to be the ones leaving."

I stared at the paper. "Actually, if you take your foot out of your ass, you'd come to notice the paper says arena 5. This is Arena 4."

He grabbed the paper out of my hand and stared at the number plaster on the poles that said Arena 4. Like the child he is, he ran out, being embarrassed in front of the few friends he had.

Draco spat at him while I just giggled.

"Was that really all necessary?"

I smiled. "No. but it was very satisfying."

Draco pulled me by the waist and hugged me. "Let's grab some food." he suggested. "What are you feeling?"

I looked up at him. "Chicken."

Hi! Thank you so much for being so patient! I have been doing lots of planning ahead for the book and I am hoping to write a lot more chapters before ending this fan fiction. If you guys find it hard to wait for the next chapter, I have a fully completed Dramione Fanfiction uploaded, so go and read it! Don't forget to Vote and Comment! Lots of love 💕- Ally

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