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donghyuck woke up with the sun hitting his face. having to meet that in the morning, made him groan.

he pulled the covers up and hide his whole body under the thick blankets. "baby, wake up." a familiar soothing voice was heard. pulling the blankets down he was met by a one fine man. "did you forgot, already? we're meeting jaemin today."

hearing that made donghyuck jolt his body up and running towards the bathroom. "after that, come have breakfast downstairs." mark shouted before shooting a smile.

"renjun, where are you?" the taller man asked through the phone. "alright. please hurry up." mark said before hanging up the phone.

donghyuck closed the door, locking it before walking towards the older, "where's renjun?"

"he said he's on his way." mark replied.

after a few minutes a familiar car arrived, the car windows opened revealing renjun, "hurry up, and opened the damn door!"

the two lovers giggled at the pissed chinese boy before unlocking the car.

they are at the airport and went searching for jaemin, for a whole hour. "jaemin are you sure you're at the airport, we can't find you." donghyuck told softly through the phone.

"turn around hyuckie." as the tanned male turned around he met eyes with jaemin, spreading his arms signaling donghyuck for a hug.

donghyuck sprinted towards the younger, then harshly hugging him with the others following. they made a big group hug with donghyuck in the middle. "i miss you." the tanned male mumbled, but enough for others to hear.

renjun dramatically coughed breaking the hug, "umm.. we miss you." renjun told emphasizing the word 'we'.

"yeah right." donghyuck replied, playfully rolling an eye.

"so what are we going to do for this week?" mark asked.


they all decided to head towards to the nearest restaurant to eat lunch. "so.. are u all okay for my place tomorrow?" jaemin started while taking a bite of his chicken.

they all nodded, too hungry to say words right now.

"hyung, you can invite johnny-hyung if he's available." donghyuck told.

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