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the two lovers are guided towards the balcony where you can just admire the beautiful scenery of the beach with your special someone and finally, they finished their dinner and with donghyuck's leg finding its way on top of the older's thigh, but of course, mark doesn't mind.

while eating, donghyuck asked a ton of questions on how and when did the older plan this out, i mean, the whole staff of the hotel knows the older's plan, but of course, you know mark truly is capable.

donghyuck also scolded his lover about making him worried, he said, "how can you not just answer my calls, i mean just pretend like you're in a business meeting or something." and he also said, "are you really that busy to not reply to my texts?"

"you know i'm still mad at you," the younger puffed his cheeks and crossed his arms on his chest. "don't talk to me." he tilts his head to the side.

"oh c'mon, i said i'm sorry," the older pouts and made the younger looked at him by grabbing both of his cheeks, "kiss?"

donghyuck slightly nodded and gave the older a peck, but the older is quite not satisfied. he dramatically sighs once he brings his hands down, he looked up to donghyuck and sighed again, expecting for a reaction. he whines, "aw! baby, kiss me—"

the older got cut off by donghyuck roughly connecting their lips, he snaked his hands on the older's neck, pushing mark's head to deepen the kiss. "happy?" the younger softly laughed and looked at the view, the sight of the beach waves, the sight of the gray moon and the countless stars—everything.

"why?" the younger questioned but his eyes are still glued at the sky, "why would you choose me? i really think you would give up on me, i really think we would not reach the end, like why would you like m—" the younger told softly.

"don't even continue that," the older places his hands on donghyuck's mouth before he could even say more words, "i like you—no i love you, i love everything you hate about yourself, god took all the time to make you, you're one big worthy person, don't ever say that, please." mark made donghyuck looked at him and he saw how a tear escaped his lover's eye.

"i'm really am thankful—"

"you always made me smile even if i feel so stressed and sad, you always brighten my day, you... you never fail to make my heart beats five times faster when you do the littlest things. it's hard for me to put you into words because i love you in ways i have never loved anyone else. just thinking about you make me smile, imagine what i feel when i see you."

what did he do to deserve someone like mark lee?

wiping the tear by his thumb and he let their lips touch once again. once the kiss broke, "i love you..." the younger whispered. apparently, that's the only word he can say.

"i love you, too..." mark smiled.

"fuck, they're so cute!" jaemin squealed, looking up at the two lovers, "imma take a picture." he said, pulling out his camera.

"hey, jaemin-ah, stop that." jisung said, tapping the older's arm, making it hard for the older to focus his camera. "stop~"

"okay, okay," he puts back his phone in his pocket, rolling eyes at the younger, "we should probably sleep." he suggests, and all of them agreed.

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