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donghyuck lazily reached for his phone to check the time, his eyes widened, 1:00pm? he quickly pulled his blanket off, but only got pulled back. "it's saturday.."

the younger looked down and saw mark clinging onto his waist. "is it?" he grabbed his phone again. donghyuck sigh in relief and lowered himself so he was aligned with the older.

they both stayed in that position and immediately went back to sleep.

not until they heard a knock on the door making both of the lovers groan. "get that." said donghyuck, and detached his arms from mark. 

"no, you're coming with me.he pulled his boyfriend and carried the boy, putting donghyuck's legs on both his sides.

mark opened the door and his eyes immediately widened. a gasp fell out of his lips making donghyuck turn around. "jaemin?" the younger gasp, and climbed off mark, they also saw both of the younger, jisung and chenle standing behind the male.

"yes baby.." jaemin smiled and opened his arms, receiving a big hug from donghyuck. "and you didn't tell us?" the older snorted, welcoming all of them.

"yeah, they didn't even tell us either." said chenle, looking at jaemin with a pout.

they all walked towards the living room with donghyuck still clinging to jaemin. "did you two just woke up?" jaemin chuckled and both mark and donghyuck nodded.

"wash up, we're going out today." said jaemin, making donghyuck whine. "c'mon."

both of the boyfriends quickly walked upstairs and took a shower. or maybe just maybe, they did it together.. who knows.


"daddy, sit beside me!" donghyuck said and patted the sit beside him.

mark look over at renjun, "what the fuck ,mark?" the chinese mouth fell open and at mark's panic, he immediately placed his index finger on his lips.

"you cursed!" the older whispered.

"i'm going to tell jaemin!" renjun threatened as he looks over to jaemin and jeno on the counter, and thankfully chenle and jisung is just arriving at their table. "and i'm going to tell you cursed in front of donghyuck!"

"how about we don't say anything to jaemin?" renjun raised his brows before him and mark chuckled.

daddy. markhyuckWhere stories live. Discover now