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you know? thinking of it, maybe he did felt bad for me. maybe because i confessed first and didn't let mark explain his feelings... those thoughts flew around donghyuck's head as he stared blankly at the school window. 

"mr. lee donghyuck?" the teacher called for the spacing boy, making the class look at him. "mr. lee?" she called out again, raising his voice a little bit as the younger male is still not looking up.

renjun looked at his seatmate with worry and tapped his shoulder. donghyuck finally snapped out from his thoughts and realized all the eyes are laid to him.

he raised a brow and mouthed a 'why?' the teacher softly smiled, "you're spacing out." she giggled. donghyuck face flushed, bowing a sorry, and went back on focusing on the lesson.

"did something happened?" the older asked, while him and donghyuck walked through the hallway. "you can tell me."

"does mark actually like me?" he asked almost like whispering. "did he just feel bad for me? can he not reject me?"

renjun frowned at the question that had been thrown at him. "what exactly happened?"

"well um.." the younger explained all what happened yesterday, and what made him think that way.

renjun smiled after hearing the latter's story on why he  had those thoughts, "believe it or not.. mark isn't the type of person to fall in love that easily to the person he just met," he paused and smile at the ground. "that may be the reason jaemin trusted mark."

donghyuck let out a soft giggle as he watched renjun blushed at the word 'jaemin' he probably miss him, the younger thought. "it's still the best if you two talk about it." renjun continued as the younger nodded and they exited the building.

"i guess—" donghyuck gasped as he felt something cold and wet on his chest. looking up he was met by a tall man, giving him an apologetic look.

"i-i'm sorry! i didn't mean to!" the said boy closed his bottle and reached out to wipe donghyuck with his towel.

"oh, it's okay." the younger smiled, waving his hands as a 'no thank you'.

"i have some spare clothes, i'll hand you one." the boy said, unnecessarily grabbing the younger's hand. donghyuck looks back for renjun, but he's already walking away, backwards, giving the younger a wave.

the younger widened his eyes as renjun's figure fade away. "wait!" donghyuck mouthed, but already too late.

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