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"yuna just let me be." hyejin said, dragging her friend out with her. "just do what i say."

"don't blame me if something wrong happened." yuna snorted, and before they knew it, they're already standing in front of the house.

hyejin pushed yuna behind at some concrete wall, "hide here." she whisper-shouted, placing her index finger on his mouth.

hyejin let out a heavy sigh before knocking on the door.


walking slowly, "hyejin?!" donghyuck jolted his head up as he heard the name and walk closely at the older.

the younger's eyes widened when he saw her again, mark noticed it and made donghyuck hide behind him, "i-i'm here to say sorry," she said, giving the older sad puppy eyes. "i... i'm deeply sorry for i did to him...donghyuck." she hung her head low.

the younger's male's eyes immediately softened, walking in front of mark and placed his hands on hyejin's shoulder. "baby, no." mark stopped, but donghyuck only gave him a bright smile.

looking up, she met eyes with donghyuck, "it's fine." he told.

"r-really..?" hyejin went for a tight hug and snuggle her face in donghyuck's neck. "t-thank you... so m-much." she muttered and let a tear of joy escaped her eyes.

"cut the crap. that's too much." mark detached donghyuck from the female, hugging him by the waist.

hyejin let out a chuckle, before bowing a ninety degree. "let's be friends." she reached out for a handshake, acting like she just met him today, donghyuck gladly accepted giving him a smile.

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