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as donghyuck nervously opened his classroom, he shut his eyes tight before walking towards his seat.

when he was about to sit, he felt a soft-like pillow on his chair, opening his eyes, he saw his desk and chair is filled with a lot of papers—more like letters—chocolates and even a teddy bear sitting on his chair.

he looked at his classmates, confused, and all of them shouted, "we're so sorry!" and the fear in donghyuck's eyes turned into a soft one.

"we're very sorry!" one of them shouted again, "you were the kindest person on earth, and you did not deserve to be treated like that!"

"i'm so sorry, mr. lee donghyuck." he shifted his gaze towards his teacher as he heard her voice, "we're really should explain you first.. i apologize for our accusing you."

the younger male smiled, "it's fine! you don't have to say sorry.. i mean it did hurt me.. but don't worry! i'm fine now, you don't have to give these chocolates and... this huge lion plushie.."

"the plushie wasn't from us!" someone shouted. "that's from.." she paused, trying hard to remember the name. "m-mark..? i believe."

mark.. he already have one though.. donghyuck thought, as a blush slowly formed into his cheeks, his face completely flushed as buried his face into his sweater paws. "mark. it was from mark." renjun spoke.

mark smiled as he sneakily peeked at the clasrroom window, he looked beside him and saw a tall man.

mark extended his hands out, "thank you so much." the older smiled. "what's your name, again?"

"oh, haha.. jihoon." the taller shaked mark's hand and also giving him a wide smile. "and, no problem."


do you really think yuna's words will stop hyejin from getting mark? yes, she admitted it, those words truly hurts, but what if the end of the day, she'll finally get what she wants? what if mark would actually like him back.

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