I Stole Your Burges, So I Got You Some Back

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The after party was a few days ago, that was when I meet Orlando, or more correctly where I got to know him and flirted with him. As I think about it today we actually meet one time before, I think in 2013 or 2014. I'm not sure, but we only said hi to each other and took a photo with some other friends of his and mine. This time was something totally different. I can't believe I didn't realize he was so cute, nice, caring, lovely and charming the first time we meet... Oh, actually... Forget it, I just remembered that he probably still was married to Miranda Kerr back then...and i hadde å boyfriend...Well, I'm glad he is single now.

I was sitting on my sofa with Nugget watching Pirates Of The Caribbean. I have to say, I'm a little obsessed with him. He played a great role in that movie and definitely was the hottest pirate of all time. I pet Nugget and played with her a little. After a while she feel asleep but woke up and ran toward the door as we hear something nocking on it. Who could it be? I didn't expect anyone.

I paused the movie and comforted Nugget so that she could get calm. As I opened the door my body got all warm again. I couldn't believe who I saw and got sooo happy.

"Hi Sweetheart, I bought some In And Out burgers for us, you know because I steal one from you at the party." Said Orlando with a cute smile at his face. I hugged him and welcomed him in.

"Hi, thank you. That is so cute of you to do. Why didn't you tell me you would come?" I was a little surprised, not only because he got me food but also because it was like after dinner time and it started to get dark outside. I was sure he would be at home with his son.

"Yeah, sorry that I didn't call you, but I wanted it to be a little surprise. It kind of was a late minute plan also. Flynny is at his mothers place and I couldn't stop... Thinking about you." He said and I turned a little red.

"Well, um... I can get us two plates for the food and you can just go to the living room. I have Netflix so we can watch something if you want." I said.

"Okay, sounds great. " He answered and went towards the living room. I had an open kitchen with the living room so he knew where to go.

As I got the plates I remembered that I watched a movie where he played and paused at the moment when he got his shirt of... Holy sh**... I ran toward him with the plates in my hands and stopped him right before he saw what I was watching at Netflix. He looked confused as I standed before him.

"I just remembered that I... Don't like watching movies..." I said. It was a very bad lie and I knew he didn't believe me.

"Oh yeah, I can see that the tv is on. Are you just scared to show me what you are watching? Im pretty sure it can't be that bad." He laughed and went to the living room. As he saw himself at the tv screen, he looked at me and smiled.

"You are really into me, right?" He asked and laughed cutely.

"No, I just like Disney movies and it happens that you are playing in them sooo..." I roled my eyes and crossed my arms , but I'm really bad at lying.

"Oh... Is that so." He said and took the plates from me and layed them down. Than took my hand and holded them, he looked deeply into my blue eyes to make me tell him the truth.

"Okey, maybe I am a little into you but I mean have you watched the movie? You with the shirt of is freaking hot... To bad you don't have that six pack anymore." I said. To be honest I don't know if he had a pack anymore. I just wanted to diss him so that we knew I was sassy.

"Really, that's what you think?" He said and smiled at me.

"Yeah, I don't have any proff either sooo..." I said flirty.

I continued looking into his deep, brown and dreamy eyes. He didn't let go of holding my hands, he just moved them to under his shirt to proff to me that what I said is not true. I got goosebumps as a felt his pack, but I didn't look down. After a few seconds I moved closer to him and made him understand that I wanted him to kiss me. I let go of his pack and holded around his neck instead while we shared a short but meaningful kiss. Than we continued looking at each other and after a while I said:

"So, wanna eat those burgers and watch Netflix or are we just gonna stand here."

"I don't know, it's hard to let go of a beautiful woman like you." He answered and kissed me once again. This time a little longer. I didn't understand how he could find me beautiful, I'm not. I mean I love myself and stuff but there are prettier woman in this world than me, and I didn't even wear makeup today.

We sat down and started eating those burgers while continuing watching Pirates Of The Caribbean. We kind of ignored the movie as we were talking and joking with each other. He was so freaking good at telling those bad dad jokes that any way made me laugh.

When we were done with eating we continued watching the movie. I tried to focus on the screen but I don't think Orlando tried it as well. He was looking at me like if I was a priceless painting. After a while I asked:

"You know the screen is not on my face right?"

"I know, but the screen isn't as beautiful as you face and as interesting as you." He answered and smiled. I smiled back and got closer to him so that he could hug me. At this point we were cuddling with each other and kissing in between. I turned of the tv and started kissing him even more and more until we tired out making out.

I moved from sitting by his side to sitting on him. When it started going hotter Orlando stopped kissing me and said:

"I think we should stop it here."

I got confused. He didn't want us to go forward? I was sure he wanted it, just like all the men I was dating before... Maybe I'm not attractive enough?

I went off him and I saw he got interested in knowing what I was thinking about.

"Hey, are you okay? I didn't mean to hurt you. I just... Don't want us to be that fast. I want us to work out." He said and stroked my cheek. "You mean a lot to me and I really feel something amazing for you... I love you Katheryn." he continued. As I hear that my eyes got full of tears. This was the first time he said that to me.

"I love you too." I said and hugged him after I gave him a little kiss on the cheek.

"I just..." I continued but stopped because I was sure he didn't care about my feelings... That was at least how my exes were... They didn't care.

"Yes? Tell me, I'm here for you. You can tell me anything and I will listen." He said. That made me calm and believe that maybe he really is different than Russel and John...

"Well, all of my exes wanted us to be fast. I mean... Russel proposed to me just after 3 months of knowing each other and I was stupid enough to say yes. And... I heard rumors about you being a play boy soo I thought that you wanted to get me in bed with you..." I said and was a little mad at myself for even thinking like that. Orlando took my hand and hugged me.

"Katheryn, I understand why you thought of me like that, but I don't understand how any man could treat you like that. You are the most amazing, talented, smart and beautiful woman I even meet. You know what? I want you to meet my son soon. And my family if you want to. Just remember that I respect you and care of your feelings, and want you to feel important and loved." He said while we were still hugging. He kissed me on my nose what I found very cute.

"You really want me to meet Flynny? Because I really want that too. And I love you to and I also want you to feel important." I started crying even more and Orlando did too. We hugged and calmed down.

"I love you Lando" I said quietly.

"Lando? That's cute babe." He reacted to the nick name I gave him and called me his babe. I liked that and couldn't wait to meet his soon. I was soooo fuc**ing excited of the future.

"He is just the purest and kindness soul" ~ Katy Perry

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