This Is The Place Where I Belong

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I was standing in the kitchen at Landos house in Malibu, making some nice and yummy sandwiches for us. Miranda (Orlando's ex wife) was soon going to ride Flynny to us so that I could finally meet him. I was soooo exited! I really hoped that he would like me. He is only 5 years old so I'm pretty sure he will like me, I'm good with kids. They are really fun to talk with and I feel like a kid myself so... Ouch!! I got out from my mind bobble and noticed that I just cut my finger when I tried to cut the sandwich...

"Honey are you okay? I heard you scream, did you hurt yourself?" Orlando ran to me from the bathroom where he was cleaning.

"Yeah, I just cut myself accidently when I was making those sandwiches for me, you and Flynny." I answered.

"Awww that's cute, I'm sure Flynny will like them. But um... Right now I think you need a plaster on that cut." Orlando said and found a plaster for me that he put on my cut. Than he kissed me on my forehead and put all the sandwiches on a big plate. He is such a daddy, takes care of everything and everyone.

"Thank you Daddy." I said with a flirty voice. Orlando understood that I called him daddy because he just was acting like one. He grabbed my waist gently and kissed me on my lips. I was holding his cheeks and kissing him back. After a few seconds we both stopped and just hugged each other.

"You think he is going to like me?" I asked. Lando looked at me and than we hear someone knock on the door.

"Let's find out bae." He answered and went to open the door.

I followed him and as Lando opened the door I saw a cute little boy holding his mommy's hand and being super happy to see his father. He had brown, curly hair and dark eyes just like Lando and a cute and small backpack where he probably had some of his favorite toys with him. He ran to his dad and gave him a big hug. I felt a little weird just standing there but when Miranda sended me a nice smile I felt way better. Flynn looked at me with an unsure smile.

"Hi, you must be Katy. Orlando's new "Friend". I'm really happy to meet you and hope you will get good a long with Flynn and this whole new situation. I'm Miranda, Flynnys mother and to be honest, I love your music." Miranda said and went straight for giving me a big hug. "Okay, but I have to go for now. Have fun Flynny." She continued and gave Flynn a kiss on the forehead.

"Bye mommy." Flynn said and waived to his mom. We closed the door after Miranda got out. I was happy she liked me, now only Flynny left.

"Sooooo buddy, this is Katheryn. My..." Orlando started.

"Girlfriend." Flynn continued the sentence after his dad. He didn't seem to exited, more sad or maybe even a little scared...

"Well yeah. I'm Katheryn but you can call me Katy. Your dad told me so much about you and I'm really excited to get to know you. What do you like to do?" I said and hoped to make a good first impression on him. I tried to catch his attention by asking him questions. After a hour or less he actually started to get more comfortable around me.

"I really like watching all kinds of movies... Oh! Did you know my daddy plays in movies!" Flynny said and got all exited.

"I know it really cool right! Maybe you will also play in movies when you grow up." I said.

"Maybe... I don't know. But! Oh! I know you have a movie about you! Daddy was watching it last time when I was at his house. He also said he liked you and... " Flynny said, but Lando stopped him and turned all red.

"Well um... I. " Lando said and looked at flynny. I saw that he was very unsure how to react.

"Um, so you heard daddy say he likes me? I'm gonna tell you a little secret... I like him too, and I like you as well." I said and Flynny smiled to me. All of us had a great time. We watched a Disney movie, played some board games and just joked a lot. Flynn even hugged me a few times. I felt like this is where I belong.

"Okay, time to go to bed buddy." Orlando said and went with Flynny to his bedroom. I joined them as well. Flynnys room was cute, full of Lego and Disney characters. He looked happy even tho he must had go to bed. Orlando kissed flynny on his forehead and said good night.

"Wait, daddy... Can Katy also come and say good night?" Flynn said with a cute look he sended me. I felt like he really liked me and I got impossibly happy. I looked at him and Lando from the door opening where I was standing.

"Of course I can sweety." I said and went to Flynn's bed where he was getting ready to fall asleep. I covered him with his blanket and kissed him on his forehead just like Lando did. After one more look at him I told him good night and standed up. Lando smiled to me and we together went our of the room. As Lando was closing the bedroom door we heard Flynn say:

"I love you daddy, love you Katy."

At that point I got tears in my eyes. We answered and closed the door. Lando looked at me and said:

"Looks like someone likes you babe."

"I think so too." I answered and fell into Orlando's arms. He kissed me on my nose and I said:

"I think I have to go, it's getting late and you know how long driving from Malibu to Los Angeles takes. I would love to stay with Flynn and you but..."

"Oh, yeah... But I have an extra bedroom if it's a little to soon for you to sleep in one bed with me. I don't want you to drive home, it's dark outside and the roads are almost impossible to see, and I'm sure Flynn would like to see you when he wakes up." Orlando said and holded my hands. I'm gonna say it again... He is soooo freaking caring! Oh! I love him!

"Fine, that's probably for the best." I smiled at him and kissed him on his cheek. He showed me the guest bedroom and than we said goodnight.

After i took a shower and put a oversized t-shirt from Landos closet on, I went to the bed. The bedroom was big and modern. To be honest I like less modern houses, I want them to be cozy and perfect for a big family that I dreamed of. Minutes went by and I couldn't fall asleep... Maybe because of the fact that I know this is Landos house...or because I just meet him amazing son... Or I don't really know... More and more minutes passed... I tried to close my eyes and sleep but I couldn't. I looked at the clock and it was 3.43... Holy s***, it been two hours since I went to bed...

Enough! I got out of bed and went to the bedroom where Orlando was sleeping. I didn't knock on the door because I didn't want to wake him up... I just went inside and layed down by the side of Orlando. He opened up his eyes and smiled when he saw me.

"I couldn't sleep." I said quietly and smiled back after making a puppy face. He continued smiling and hugged me around my waist. We closed our eyes and fell asleep cuddled into each other after just a few seconds. Looked like he is what I needed, he and Flynn... My family.

"I want to focus on my family and all the small things in life that are so meaningful. Like walking my step son to school in the morning. Its one of the most precious and important things."
~ Katy Perry

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