First Family Christmas

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Creators Note:

Hi! I know it's been a long, long... Long time since last chapter and the announcement of the special Christmas chapter. And I also know that christmas is long gone but come on, who doesn't feel like still singing to Cozy Little Christmas? 🙋 anyway, I want to wish you all an amazing new year and I hope all your dreams will come true in this decade and that you had a great christmas! ❤ love you so much and I'm so grateful for the positive comments! Now let's read the chapter:

December 2016

It's the most wonderful time of the year... I heard the radio play in the background while helping Orlando bake Christmas cookies... Or more correctly watching him bake the cookies. As all of the people know I am a HORRIBLE cook and baker... I can make sandwiches, tea or maybe some eggs with bacon, but nothing more... Or I also can make pancakes because Orlando taught me how to make those. He often tries to teach me some more but it ends up... Let's just say bad. But it's not always my fault! Oh no... Like the one time we were making dinner together and started making out while the oven was on... It started slowly burning while we was having a make out session right by the side. We discovered it as the kitchen started smelling burned and controlled the situation. That's how we ended up making noodles instead.

I giggled when I thought about it, and Lando looked at me confused.

"What are you giggling about baby?" He asked and smiled to me.

"Remember When we were making dinner but ended up with noodles?" I asked while still giggling.

"Yeah?" He Said.

"Remember why that happened." I asked with a flirty voice while playing with my long and black hair.

"I don't know, do you want to remind me?" He answered and let go of the cookies to hold me around by waist instead. I kissed him on the nose and said:

"Not now, we have to make those cookies done... And our families are coming soon." As I said that Lando got a little disappointed but understood and after giving me a little kiss on the lips continued making christmas cookies.

I'm so excited to have everyone here, it's going to be my closest family, Landos closest family and even Miranda with Evan (husband) are going to come with Flynny after they visit Mirandas family. It was important for us that Flynn will see everyone on Christmas, not only Landos parents, and my parents. As I think about how many people is going to be here, I'm getting kind of nervous... What if the families won't like each other? Well... They have to because I love Lando and Flynny. And... Okay, maybe we aren't that many... Me with Lando and Flynny, our parents, my grandma, landos grandma, and my sister and brother with they're partners and kids.

We used the time we had left before everyone came to be done with the food making, decorating the house and packing the presents.

We finished perfectly on time as we heard the door bell ring for the first time. I got all exited and went straight for opening the door. Lando did follow.

"Hi baby sister! Oh, it's soooo nice to see you both." Angela (my sister) said and hugged first me and than Lando. Her husband did the same thing while holding theyre baby girl Stella. She is just the cutest baby ever!

"Hi, it's good to see you too, come in and fell free." Orlando answered. We all smiled and I took baby Stella from Angelas husband's hands. I really like kids so I just had to hold her. Lando looked at me holding Stella and joined me on talking with a caring voice to her.

"Can I hold her? It's been a while." Orlando asked and launched a little. I gave him Stella  and he looked just the cutest while holding a baby. He was so careful and I just saw the golden heart in him that I knew he had. I placed my head on his right shoulder to look at baby Stella and gave Lando a kiss.

"Awww, aren't you just the cutest?" Angela said while looking at us. We answered with a smile and after a few seconds Angela continued:

"Maybe you should get one?" She smiled to me and Angelas husband winked with his eye towards Orlando. I got a little shocked that she said that. I knew that was a joke of course but my face turned all red anyway. Lando looked at me and my shocked face and answered:

"I think it's a little to soon for that." He smiled and gave Angela back her baby.

We continued talking and drinking tea until everyone was here. The house was full as never before, everyone got really exited and the kids were sitting while playing by the fireplace. Flynny and little baby stella were so cute. I'm glad they like each other. I know that Flynny wants siblings so it's nice that he has someone to play with.

While we were talking Lando gave me the "it's time" Look and went to one of the guest rooms. I was really exited for what we planned for everyone, especially for the kids.

I made sure that lando was ready by texting him, as he answared that he was and went outside using the back door I started the show:

"Hey... Kids? Do you hear this?" They looked at me with they're big interested eyes and I continued. "Can you hear this? I think... I think I heard foot steps coming form the top of the roof. Wait! There is some christmas magic in the air..."

"Ooooh! It's Santa!!! Stella, it's Santa!!!" Said Flynny and went to the window to see after Santa Claus.

"I can see him! Really! He is coming here!!! Katy!!! It's Santa!" Said Flynny after he noticed Santa walking towards our house and the door.

Flynny and little Stella that was just starting to learn how to walk run towards the door and was waiting for the... Bank, bank

The others were looking at me smiling when they noticed that Lando was gone and understood what we were doing. Flynny opened the door and Santa said:

"Ho, ho, ho! Are there any good kids here?"

"Yes, yes!!! We are here!!" Flynn jumped around and raised his hand to show Santa that he and Stella are the good kinds. I was really happy that this worked and they were happy. Oh, how is it possible that he is so hot even in a freaking santa costume? God! I'm soooo I'm love with him.

"Well, I see, I see. Let me search in my bag."
He said and started picking up presents from his bag and giving them first to the kids and than even to us adults. Our parents were really happy that we did something like this. It really brought up the christmas magic.

"Looks like I have to go now. I wish you all a merry and happy christmas! Ho, ho, ho!" Said Santa after all the presents were given out.

"Do you have to go?" Asked Flynny with a sad face.

"I do, there are a lot of other kids I also has to visit today, but if you will keep on being nice and good I'm sure we will meet again." After that he went outside again and after two minutes Lando texted me;

I'm in the kitchen, looks like Santa forgot about a present for miss Hudson 😘❤

I went to the kitchen where Lando was still wearing his Santa costume. I looked at him with my flirty eyes. And then said:

"Soooo, what was the present mr. Claus?"

He grabbed my waist and looked deep into my eyes. We both laughed right before shearing a cute and caring but still hot kiss.

"Katy? Why are you kissing Santa?" We heard Flynny's voice and we Imidiatly stopped kissing.

"Because Santa was very sad so I gave him a friendly kiss..." I answered with an unsure and surprised voice.

"But... Won't daddy be bad because of that?" He asked.

"No, don't worry buddy. Your daddy and I are good friends and as this wonderful woman said, this was a friendly kiss. I was very sad because... Because I didn't get any cookies at this visit..." Lando said. I was kind of surprised that he came up with something like that just now but that the fact that he is an actor hit me...

"Oh! The cookies! My daddy and Katy made them, and I decorated. They are right here." Flynny said and gave Lando the cookies. Than he said: "I'm gonna go and play now, eat the cookies because they are DELICIOUS and then go and visit the other kids. Bye!!"

Flynny went back to the living room and I smiled at Lando right before going back to kissing.

"We (lando and Katy) love christmas traditions!" ~ Katy Perry

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