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' Thank you...'- Yoongi said or actually breathed out quietly.

' No problem, I mean I am the one that got you into this mes-
I was about to end my sentence when I felt two big arms embracing me. I felt so emotions right now.
I was shock and happy at the same time and warm and comfy.
I just felt at the right place.
Yoongi hardened his grip and I realized I wasn't hugging back.
I put my arm around his waist and hugged him even tighter, putting my head on his shoulder.

We stayed like that for a while until the bell rang.
Igot my arms off of his waist and left saying a quick 'bye'.

I when to my class and we had Math 😭.
I was a little bit late and when I got inside the teacher was already waiting for me.

' Mister Park Jimin, why are you late again?'- mister Kan asked.

' I-i was...at the... principal's office.'- I said and kind of sounded like I was laying.

' Okay sit down and next time think of more propriet.'- The teacher said and I took my seat next to Kook.

' Why were you at the principal's office?'

The Boy From The Other Class (Yoonmin)Where stories live. Discover now