"Shawn!" Its been 9 years and I'll never get used to how fucking obnoxiously high pitched Camila's voice is. Its the most annoying thing I've ever had to hear in my entire life. Actually no. My dad and her mother exchanging vows was the worst thing I ever had to hear.

That wedding was more like funeral to me. The only thing I gained from it was an overbearing 'stepmom' and the annoying little girl I'm suppose to call 'sister'. That will never happen. My life was fine when it was just my father and I in our small apartment, but no. He just had to marry that woman. After their over the top wedding, I was practically dragged here to American against my will. I regret not moving in with my uncle so I could stay, but my dad would never let that happen. My uncle was a bit of an alcoholic.

She pounds on the door again and I grow even more agitated.

"We're leaving soon! Wake up!"

Apparently,Sinuhe, Camila's mom, owns some cabin a few hours outside of Adair and we're all supposed to go together like some happy fucking family. I'm 18 years old and I have no say so in going. My dad is forcing me to go on this bullshit bonding trip.
"Shut up, Camila! I'm up!" I shout in the direction of the door. She groans loudly before her footsteps descend down the hallway.

My packed bag sits in the corner of my room staring back at me evilly. To avoid another argument with my dad, I decide to get out of bed. I kick a few pieces of trash out of the way as I walk over to the door and turn the lock on it. Sinuhe has a bad habit of barging in my room unannounced.
I grab the hidden pack of cigarettes from underneath my pillow along with my lighter. Cigarettes are the only things that keep me sane, I swear. I'm pretty sure they already know about my bad habit. Its kind of hard not to smell the unmistakable stench of smoke coming from my room, but none of them choose to confront me about it.

After finishing one, I shove the rest of the pack in my packed bag because I'm most definitely going to need them.I pull out a pair of black sweat pants from my dresser drawer and I slip them on over my briefs. If I'm going to be sitting in a car for that long I might as well be comfortable. I find my go to hoodie on the floor at my feet and I put that on as well. Winter just started and it's already bat shit cold outside so I put on a denim jacket on top of my thin hoodie.

I look around for what else I might need for the upcoming week. Oh yeah, headphones. I'll definitely be needing these.

I come out of my bedroom with my packed bag on my shoulder to hear them rushing around the house to get last minute things done. I'd thought I'd be the last one ready, but I guess not.

"We're leaving in 5 minutes!" I hear my dad shout from the bottom of the stair case. Why the hell is everyone yelling today?

I slowly walk down each step in agony. The sooner this useless trip is over with, the better. Camila's already waiting by the front door with her bags at her feet and a smile on her face. I can't even begin to wonder why she's so excited about this trip.

Her hair is tied up in one of those complicated buns and she wears her signature oversized sweated with a pair of tights and the furry boots she had to beg her mother to get for her last week. I scowl at the happy girl.

"You guys ready?" My dad comes from the kitchen with his and Sinuhe's bag in each hand and she comes from behind him just as dressed down as her daughter.
"Not really." I mumble with not even the slightest bit of amusement in my voice.

They choose to ignore my silent protest and begin to walk to the front door where Camila begins to pick up her bag. The four of us walk outside where the sun hasn't even begun to rise yet. I shove my bag into to the trunk of the truck where dad sat the large ones he walk holding. Camila struggles to pick up hers high enough to put it in the trunk and I watch wickedly.

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