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A lot has happened over the past week. For starters, I finally got a fucking job. I don't even remember when I applied for a job at that movie theater up in town, but I got it. It isn't as bad as I thought it would be. I've been working there for 3 days now, and the only bad part about it is taking out the trash.

Zayn is quickly becoming a freeloader. All he does is eat, sleep, shit and repeat the cycle the next day. I work mornings at the theater, so I'm home before Camila. I'm not exactly comfortable with Zayn alone with her all day. That's a recipe for disaster. Camila has been acting extremely... sexual? She just loves to taunt me with her long stares and lip bites. She'll try to get me alone with her every chance she gets. She likes to tell me how much she wants a repeat of the other night and the things she does when she's alone in her bedroom... I've had to resist the urge to do anything to her. Its not that I don't want to, but there's never good timing. Especially now that Zayn is here.

Zayn and I sit on the couch in the dark living room watching a movie that he rented. Camila was asleep in her room the last time I checked up on her and dad and Sinuhe won't be home until later.

"What an idiot. Why the fuck would she go in there?" he says focusing in on the TV holding a pillow against his chest. What a pussy.

The movie is supposed to be scary, but it's just predictable. I almost fell asleep when it started.

"I don't know, Zayn. Why don't you ask her?" I say in a sarcastic tone and glances at me in annoyance.

The dumb woman screams loudly and he gasp as he watches her get stabbed to death. I saw that coming.

"Well, I can't now." He points to the screen in shock.

I laugh. I've never met someone that takes movie watching so seriously. If it was a sport, Zayn would be in first place.

"Shawn?!" Camila shouts from upstairs and I try to act as if I didn't hear her.

"I think Camila is calling you." He says, never taking his eyes off the television.

"Shawn! There's a spider! Hurry, please!" She yells even louder and I sigh in misery. When the hell is she gonna grow up and do shit herself?

"I'll be back." I tell Zayn as I stand from the couch, but he could care less. I walk through the dark kitchen and up the stair case. Her bedroom door is cracked open letting a strip of light escape. The door creaks as I push it open and Camila is no where to be found. I walk all the way inside and I turn around when I hear the door shut behind me.

I should've known this was a setup.

Camila's back is pressed against the door and she smirks in satisfaction. She wears a pair of tennis shorts and a tight t-shirt.

"I'm guessing there's no spider." I say to her.

She giggles and walks over to me.

"I had to find someway to get you alone." Her fingers trace the ink on my arms, making the hairs stand on them.

She raises up on the balls of her feet to kiss me and I pull away from her. I want to do this so bad, but Zayn might start to wonder why it's taking so long to kill a fucking spider.

"What's wrong?" She asks looking up at me with big eyes.

"Zayn's downstairs.." I say.

Camila rolls her eyes and takes my hand before shoving it down the front of her shorts and into her panties before I can stop her. Fuck, she's so wet.

"He's not worried about us." She whispers in my ear

I've been undeniably horny for the past week and I'm about to explode just from feeling how wet she is. I remove my hand from the waistband of her shorts and press my lips against hers. Her tongue is eager against mine as I tangle my fingers into the thick waves of her hair.

Camila, pulls away and gives me an impure smirk. "Sit." She says. I don't hesitate to take a seat on her bed and I'm surprised when she drops to her knees in front of me. She looks so fucking good between my legs. I hiss when she gropes the bulge in my sweatpants.

"Does that feel good?" I can tell she's honestly curious and not teasing. I nod my head yes and she smiles at the small victory.

I'm pretty sure she doesn't know what she's doing but I'm not going to stop her. Camila hooks her small fingers underneath my sweatpants tugs them down along with my boxers. As soon as my cock springs out, she wraps her hand around out.

I groan at the feeling.

She gives it a kitten lick and I shiver. "Shit." The word escapes my mouth in a long breath.I wrap my hand around Camila's to set the pace and I let go once she gets the hang of it.

The feeling of her lips wrapped around my cock is indescribable. I weave my hands into her hair as she bobs her head up and down.

"Less teeth, Camila." I moan.

We lock eyes as she releases me with a pop. She wets her lips and takes me back into her mouth, this time letting my tip hit the back of her throat. She gags and my grip on her hair tightens. I almost came right then and there.

"You're so big." She giggles stroking me harder and faster with both hands. I'm not gonna lie, the comment boosted my ego.

"You can handle it." I say daringly and she kisses my tip before taking me all the way in her mouth. Her eyes water as she chokes on it but we don't look away from one another.

The pressure in my spine builds up when she begins to use both her hands and her mouth. Her curious hands play with my balls and I come instantly. I swear loudly as she continues to suck out every last drop.

I watch Camila swallow my come as my vision turns from foggy to clear.

Where the hell did she learn how to do that? I thought I'd have to show her how to do everything but she pretty much knew what she was doing.

Camila crawls on top of me and begins to kiss my neck while telling me how good I tasted.

"Where'd you learn how to do that?" I ask her as she continues to suck at my skin, most likely leaving a mark.

"Its a funny story." Her hot breath fans my throat. "Bible study."

I can't help but laugh. "Bible study?" My fingers caress her sides as she slowly grinds against my limp cock.

"There's this girl that told me how to do it. And I might have watched a few videos too..." she says the last part lowly.

"You watched porn?" I take a hand full of her ass and she squeals. Porn is the most useless resources when it comes to learning.

She sits up on my lap pressing her hands against my chest. "Maybe."

I go to say something, then I remember Zayn is still downstairs. I roll her off of me before standing from the bed, pulling my pants up in the process.

"I've gotta go." I tell her. She sits up on her knees on the bed poking out her bottom lip in a pout. I sigh walking back over to her and pressing a long kiss to her swollen lips.

I walk out of her room, closing the door behind me. I make it downstairs to the living room and Zayn is sitting in the same spot on the couch watching the movie. He doesn't budge when I sit on the couch, but there's an unspoken tension in the air.

"That must've been a big spider." He says staring straight forward. His voice is smug and somewhat knowing.

I glace over at him.

"Huge." I say. 

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