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"I wasn't expecting an accent." Tyler glances at me in the rear view mirror, his brows drawn together curiously.

"You aren't the first person to say that," I assure him.

Ivy retrieves a blanket from her bag and covers herself with it. She leans her head against the window and watches the passing scenery.

"You should've heard him when he first came to the states. I could barely understand him," Camila adds,
her laugh loud and obnoxious.I say nothing. I'm not going to entertain her jokes. I know she doing this to get a rise out of me.

Camila turns around to look at me, still chuckling. My mouth remains in a straight line, giving her no emotion whatsoever. She pokes her bottom lip into a pout, trying her hardest to mock me. I simply ignore her.

My phone buzzes twice in my pocket.
I lean my head against the window and check it.

Bookworm: "ignore my brother. He can be a jerk sometimes. "

I look over at Ivy and she's already staring back at me with her phone in hand. So secretive. I smile at her before texting back.

Me: "he's not that bad."Ivy obviously read the message. I can tell by the "yeah right" look on her face. I hold back a laugh, placing my phone down on my lap.

After a few minutes, Ivy falls asleep with her head in my lap. At first, I'm slightly uncomfortable with the position but I decide not to wake her. I soon follow her lead and drift into a deep sleep.

There's a slight ache in my neck when I finally wake up after what feels like a day. Sleeping against the window wasn't the best idea. I hear the sound of rocks being crushed underneath the wheels. Ivy is no longer sleeping but instead she's looking out her window. I shift in my seat and she glances at me over her shoulder.

"We're here," Ivy announces with little to no enthusiasm.

We travel along a gravel road with large trees on opposite sides of it. The path looks straight out of a scary movie. Then, the house comes into view. It's nothing like I expected. It's massive.

Tyler pulls into the driveway and parks the truck.

"Damn." The word slips out of my mouth.

Tyler wakes Camila up and tells her we've arrived. Ivy gets out of the truck and I follow her. There's a sexy sports car sitting in the driveway and I can't keep my eyes off of it. The amount of built up pine straw that's fallen off of the trees and onto the car tells me it's been sitting here for a while.

"That's beauty. She stopped working a long time ago," Ivy comes up behind me.

"She is a beauty."

After admiring the car for a few more seconds, I get our bags from the trunk and we make our way to the porch.

From outside, everything looks so...expensive. Even the wood on the porch and the bricks on the house. The four of us stand on the porch. Tyler rings the doorbell and I hold my breath. I'm about to meet Ivy's father. Kill me.

The clicks and snaps of locks are heard before one of the two doors open.Instead of a man, a woman answers the doors. The black T-shirt, matching scrubs and slip resistant shoes tells me that she's some type of housekeeper. She's got long dark hair that's pulled into a ponytail, bright blue eyes and a nice figure under that outfit. I can't help but notice.

"Hey, Ms. Martinez!" Tyler wraps her arms around the woman.

Ivy does the same. The woman returns the hug, sharing their excitement.

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