What the fuck is wrong with everyone today?

Sure, it's 8 o'clock in the morning, but It's thanksgiving. Isn't everyone supposed to be happy? I'm not happy about waking up this early either to do last minute cooking but at least I'm giving enough effort to put on a fake smile.

Ivy looks as if she's seen a ghost. She's occupying the living room couch staring at the black tv screen. There's three small bandaids on her right cheek. I asked her what happened this morning, but she won't talk to me nor will she look me in the eyes. I've been worried sick about her all day. I over heard her tell her dad that a broken nail was to blame. I guess that gives me a little bit of closure. I can tell He's worried about his daughter. After what she did to her wrist, I would be, too.

"Shawn" Mr. Parker says as he comes up behind me. The two of us watch Ivy a few feet from behind the couch as she lies there looking both depressed and tired.

"You think she's alright ?" I ask him.

He places a hand on my shoulder and sighs.

"Not sure. I don't want to smother her, though." He says. "Go check the mashed potatoes on the stove. I'll be there in a second." Reluctantly, I leave the entrance of the living room. In the kitchen, Camila is sitting at the table with her feet folded underneath her while she wraps knifes, spoons, and forks into napkins.

"What's wrong with her now?" Camila scoffs as I begin to walk past her. I stop in my track to turn and look at her.

"Can you go one day without being an inconsiderate bitch?"

Camila pauses what she's doing and looks at me angrily. I could care less if I hurt her feelings. For once, I don't feel bad for telling her about herself.

"I'd be careful with the way you talk to me," she says as soon as I turn my back.

Slowly, I turn to look at her again, counting backwards from 10. Who the hell does she think she is trying to hold something over my head? Tyler walks past the entrance to the kitchen. I look around to make sure the coast is clear before I say anything.

"Listen, Camila" I began as I place my hand on the back of her chair in an attempt to intimidate her. She glares back at me, her nose close enough to graze mine. "Enough with the threats and the blackmailing. You are 19 years old. Stop acting like a child."

Then, she smirks.

"Oh, Shawn" she taps my cheek twice with her palm. "Still in denial baby? I thought we both made it clear about the way we feel for each other the other night."

I move away from her with a look of disgust. She kissed me! Sure, I was wrong for letting it happen, but I eventually pushed her away and told her why I couldn't do it anymore. I may be as guilty as she is but I'm definitely not in denial. "That shouldn't have happened-"

"But it did," Camila states.
We stare at one another for a painful second. If I didn't have so much to loose, I'd probably put one of those knifes on the table to use.

"You kissed me-"

Before I can say anything else, the housekeeper walks into the kitchen. Her and I lock eyes just for a split second. And just by that look, I can tell she was listening.


It's 1 o'clock. People should be showing up shortly. I've been locked up in the upstairs bathroom for the past hour trying to get myself together. I don't want to make a bad impression just because I've got a lot going on in my mind. What if Lorry heard what we said? Does Ivy know? Does her dad? All this has turned me into a paranoid mess.

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