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October rolled around and that meant Halloween was coming up at the end of the month. 

Maya had gone in for auditions for movies and worked on school and her YouTube channel whenever she had the time.

Now that October has started, it meant that she has to start preparing for Wonder and her promoting the movie. 

She had her suitcase mostly packed but there were a few things left for her to add the following day.

Due to Maya still being a minor, she needed a parent or guardian with her. Sharon was the one who was going to go with Maya while she promoted the movie. She was going to do her work online.

The day before Maya was leaving, Ty, Jack, Annie and Madison came to see her before she leaves.

Ty, Jack, Annie and Madison came to Cole's classroom at the end of the school day.

"Okay," Cole said. "Ty and Madison, you two coming with us?"

"Yeah," Ty nodded.

"Yup," Madison said.

"And you two are following us?" Cole said to Jack and Annie.

They nodded.

"Alright," Cole said. "Just hang out in here for a little. I need to do a few things before we head out."

Cole left the classroom for about fifteen minutes before coming back.

They headed out of the school and headed home. Madison and Ty got into the car with Maya and Cole and Jack and Annie followed them in the car.

When they got home, Maya and her friend spent the entire afternoon in the living room, where they turned on the TV to watch a movie on Netflix. 

Once the movie was finished, Jack noticed a PlayStation.

"Hey, is that a PlayStation?" Jack asked.

"Yeah," Maya nodded. "It's my brothers."

"Michael's?" Ty asked.

Maya nodded.

"Why didn't he take it with him to college?"

"He didn't want it anymore," Maya shrugged. "He gave it to Alex, but Alex didn't play it as much as he thought he would, so they just left it here."


"My dad and I use it sometimes," Maya added.

"Can we play?" Ty asked.

"Yeah, sure," Maya nodded.

Maya turned the PlayStation on and Ty, Jack and Madison grabbed the controllers to play. 

Maya and Annie just watched them play and talked to them as they played.

Cole left the apartment for a bit and came back with food.

"What did you get?" Maya asked.

"Sushi," he said. "And it's dinner."

"Thank you."

As Madison, Jack and Ty finished up their game, Maya and Ty helped Cole set up the table for dinner.

"Where's Mom?" Maya asked.

"She's on her way home," Cole said.

Maya nodded. 

The table was already set and the food was ready on the table when Ty, Jack and Madison finished the game.

The door opened and Sharon entered the apartment.

"Oh, hi," she said.

"Hey," Cole said.

"You must be Madison, Annie and Jack," Sharon said.

They nodded.

"I'm Madison," Madison introduced herself.

"And these two are Jack and Annie," Cole said.



"Did you eat yet?" Sharon asked.

"We were just about to eat," Cole said.

"What did you get?"


They ate dinner and cleaned up the dinner. Cole and Sharon went into Cole's office and Ty, Jack, Annie and Madison stayed a bit longer before they had to leave. Cole took Madison and Ty home and Jack and Annie headed home.

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