Chp. 13

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Hello guys.

Should I make a holiday bonus chapter?

I was thinking of making one after this chapter. What do you think? Should I?

On with the story shall we thy friends?


Marinette woke up before the alarm went off. She checked the time. It was 7:00 a.m. ( not irl ). She was on her way to the bathroom, until a note on her desktop. In Marinette's mind: What's this? A note from Chat?

Hello Princess, it's Chat.
Idk if you remember last night, but I came in to check on you. You were asleep so I tried to stay as quietly as a mouse. Ironically, I'm a cat. I accidentally stepped on a pencil and it broke, which made you wake up. Once you fell asleep, I went out to buy you a new, and better pencil. That's how I'm writing this write meow. (hehe get it?)

See you later tomorrow. I'm busy later today. Bye Princess.

Love, your knight in shining leather

Marinette stood there blushing. She didn't remember what happened. She looked at the pencil which gave her an idea. She went over to her desk and got some tape and a Sharpie. With it, she drew a black paw on it to remind her that Chat bought her a new one.

The clock said 8:00. She had to go. Marinette went downstairs to the bakery to get a croissant and made her way out the door. On her way in, she sees Adrien come out his car.

"Hey Marinette!" Adrien tried not to blush in front of her. "Hey Adrien. I never seen you late. If you were late before, we never came at the same time. What are you doing?" Dang, Adrien said in his mind. She didn't stutter not once. Her stutter was cute, I wonder why she stopped.

"Marinette, your dictation was incredible. You didn't stutter once!" Marinette blushed a little at this, but it went away quickly. "Thanks. We should hurry and get to class. It's 8:25." "Dang, I didn't notice. Come on Marinette!" Adrien quickly grabbed her hand and the both ran to class.

Once they got there, they forgot that they were holding hands so everyone noticed it the second they walked in. Adrien and Marinette were both confused. They looked down and quickly took their hands from away from each other and sat down at their desks.

"Hey gurl."

"Hey Alya. Why are you looking at me like that?"

"What do you mean why?! You and Adrien were holding hands!!! Did something happen that I didn't know?!"

"No. We just met each other outside because we both came late."

"Yeah I can see that. It's 8:35 now. You're lucky it's not 9:00 yet."


"Hey Nino."

"Hey dude. What's going on with you and Marinette? Why were you guys holding hands?"

"We noticed that we were late to class so I grabbed her hand and we ran to class so we won't be later than we already are."

"Mmmmm ok. You sure that nothing's going on? At all?"


"Ok dude. I'm glad you're here. Class is getting boring."

"But it just started...




Time skip to after class

"Oh thank gosh that's over." The four of them started laugh. "Nino, you are hilarious." Alya said while laughing. "Do you guys want to-" Marinette was going to say something until Luka came up to her. "Hey Marinette, I was wondering if you would like to come have lunch with me?"

"Hey Luka. And sure. But I was thinking of all us could come over to the bakery to eat." Luka nodded. "I'm ok with that. Do you guys mind if I join you all?" Adrien really wanted to say yes. But he let it go. All of them said no in unison and made their way to the bakery.


Hello again you all.

As I said in the beginning of the chapter, I might add a Christmas bonus. Should I?

Love you all <3


Happy holidays! Keep calm and stay miraculously awesome 😎😁

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