Chapter 1

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It was a normal day in Karasuno the Volleyball Team was training hard whilst Hinata and Kageyama was practising their insane quick attack that they learned from their match against the match between Tadashi, Tsukishima and Daichi caught everyone's attention
"Hey! We got something! A practice game. With the areas top 4 Aoba Josahi!" The anonymous person said happily. "Those guys?!" Suguwara exclaims. "Those guys huh" Kageyama said angrily. The anonymous stranger turns over to me and Kageyama "Oh! It's you two you must me Hinata and Kageyama Right?" He said. I turn over to Kageyama "Uhh... Whose that?" I whisper. "No idea" Kageyama blurts out. "My name is Attetsu Takeda. Your club advisor" Takeda said. "Hey!" Me and Kageyama said in sync.

A couple minutes later
"So what's up?" Daichi confusingly said "Well Aoba Josahi or Seijou people call it was the only one was to accept the practice match" Takeda explained. "Wait.. Did you beg again" Daichi said unamused "No not this time! But I am good at begging but i didn't have to" Takeda happily said. Daichi and Sugawara sighed in relief. "Although... There is one little condition" Daichi quickly asked "What's that?" "Kageyama has to be the setter for the entire game" Takeda explained. I looked at Kageyama and he was a little shocked but I looked back and I see Sugawara looking down disappointed that he wouldn't be able to play considering he was Karasuno's main setter I felt really bad for him honestly. "What the hell is that!" Tanaka exclaims. "So their not interested in Karasuno?! But they got some special beef with Kageyama huh! What are we some type of joke to them! What's their deal....?! He screamed "Uh.. No I don't think that's the case" Suguwara quickly buts in "Let's do it!"

30 minutes later
I start walking home whilst thinking of the Seijou game tommorow. I arrive at home and I open it with my key. "I'm home!!" I shout. "Hello dear! We're having Ramen tonight your favourite!" My mum explains "Oh sweet!" I shouted as I ran up the stairs. I jump onto my bed and grab my phone. "Ahhhh home sweet home!" I thought to myself as I went onto Google. I search up "Aoba Josahi High School" I click on their website and I click images. I see a picture of their Volleyball Team I see a cute boy with brown chocolatey hair, Beautiful brown eyes and the cutest smile i've ever seen! Wait a minute... What am I thinking?! Hes on the opposite team! I just hope hes not on the starting line up or i'm screwed. I go to sleep thinking of his handsome face and eyes.

The Next Day
We arrived at the school i'm absolutely tired from looking at pictures of that cute boy! We head inside to the main sports hall of Aoba Josahi High School where all of Seijou's Volleyball Team member are at. We get a warm welcome from the team and then we get ready to play.

2 Sets Later
We get ready to take the final set and then I hear girls starting to fangirl when I turn around I see him! The lover of my dreams! I start to blush at the sight of him. Then I see him starting  to look at me then he gives me a wink. I swear I was going to faint then I feel a lot of pain on my head when I see who did the damage I exclaimed "What the F*ck Kageyama that hurt!" "Language!" Daichi exclaims. Then the whistle blows and then the Sub for Aoba Josahi switches for him when the score hit 22:24 Our team's favour. Then I hear a girl shout "Oikawa!!!" So his names Oikawa eh? Oikawa was up to serve I watched as he served a perfect ball and targeted Tsukishima. "Ah I was right number 6.. and number 5.. i'm guessing your both first years your recieves are terrible!" Tsuki gritted his teeth I start shouting "Hey Oikawa! Aim for me!"

Oikawa's POV
I see this cute orange haired person who was pretty short out of confusion I serve the ball over to him and he made the receive "Crap why did he have to be so cute!" I said under my breath "Shitty-kawa! Get your ass into the game!" Iwa-chan screamed at me "S-sorry Iwa" I say awkwardly. All of a sudden I see the little shrimp jump into the air and hit a spike "Sh*t!" It flew past me in a split second and hit the ground.

Hinata's POV
"All right!" Everyone cheered. Then Karasuno and Aoba Johsai head to the double changing rooms. When I head to changing room 108 I see Oikawa follow me inside the changing room. I slowly watch him get changed. I started to get changed myself then I was just in my boxers so was Oikawa then all of a sudden I feel a hand on my shoulder. I quickly turn around and I see Oikawa behind me touching my shoulders. Oikawa sat down and he directed me to sit on his lap so I did then Oikawa started kissing me with tounge "mmm~" I moaned as his tounge started to circle mine as mine did to his.

Woo! That's all for this chapter if you wanna see more pls let me know and sorry that this is a bit rushed but that's kinda how I write but heres a picture of Oihina

Woo! That's all for this chapter if you wanna see more pls let me know and sorry that this is a bit rushed but that's kinda how I write but heres a picture of Oihina

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Anyway enjoy!

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