Chapter 2

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They continued to kiss for 10 minutes and then they got changed back into their regular school uniform. As they were about to leave Oikawa gave Hinata a hickey and Hinata slapped Oikawa in the face.

Hinata POV
"Oikawa! What the f*ck!" I exclaimed. Oikawa started to rub his cheek "Ow! Shrimpy-chan.. why did you slap me" Oikawa painfully said. I head out the changing room to the Volleyball team. "Sorry it took me so long!" I exclaim. Sugawara noticed the hickey on the right of my neck. "Hey Hinata why do you have a hickey on your neck?" Sugawara whispered. I start to go red after Suga said that to me then I to feel sick "H-hey guys I need go to the bathroom!" I shout. "Alright don't take too long the bus arrives in 20 minutes" Daichi remarked. I rush over to the bathroom looking green hoping to not run into Oikawa and his perfect body "Wait did I just think of that" I sneered. I safely made it to the bathroom and I started to throw up for 10 minutes straight.

Back at Karasuno
"That's all for today amazing work today!" Daichi shouted. I start to walk home I start to brainstorm about what happened today "I can't believe Oikawa gave me a hickey either ugh why does he have to be so hot!" I thought to myself. I arrived at home with a big smile "Finally i'm home" I exclaim. I open the door "Mom i'm home" I shouted. Nobody responded I thought to myself of how odd that is I head to the kitchen to grab some food and I see note which says "Hi son if your reading this I went on holiday with a freind her son will be babysitting you" I pouted "Why do I need a baby sitter I'm 15!" I complained.

Oikawa's POV
"Ugh my mom is on holiday of course! And I have to babysit mom's freinds son!" I exclaimed. "Might as well see where the location is... The Shoyou residence seems familiar whatever might as well head out now" I rambled. I open the door from my house and head out to the Shoyou residence.

10 minutes of walking
"Finally i'm here after 10 minutes of walking!" I shouted. I knock on the door and I hear quite a familiar voice "Coming!" he said. The door opened in front of me and I see a tiny ginger male I was gobsmacked as soon as I realized who it was "Shrimpy-chan is that you?" I shrieked. Hinata dragged me inside "Don't tell me your your the babysitter ma wrote about." He said unimpressed. "Yup!.. That's me Oikawa your babysitter but please call me Toru" I remarked. "Nah I think i'll keep calling you daddy" Hinata coughed realizing what he said. "I-i mean Oikawa! Oikawa! Yup i'll keep calling you Oikawa!" He shouted. I laughed at his stupidity "It's okay chibi-chan call me daddy all you want" I flirted and gave a wink.

Well that's all for this chapter sorry it's short I just don't know how to continue it anyway see you tommorow! And remember I post daily.

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