I love you!!! (Lots and I mean Lots of smut)

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Hinata POV

I gotten a gift for Oikawa I really hoped he enjoys it because I love him so much for example his personality is hot, he's charming, and can cheer me up anytime of the day. I then started to walk to our room because I saw him go in there before and to my surprise I see Oikawa on my phone! "Toruu! Give me my phone!" I screamed, He stood up and headed towards me and knelt down to get to head distance "Chibi-chan.... I- I love you!" Oikawa said sheepishly. I walked towards him and started to kiss him a bunch "Does that answer your question Oikawa?" I questioned while panting for air, Toruu nodded as he did I got on my knees for him and pulled down his shorts, "H-Hinata-" "Shhhhh... Just enjoy the show" I remarked and winked I then proceeded to grab his slightly hard member (Author Note: I don't really like using explicit language like Dick or Ass idky but whatever) and then started to move my hand move back and fourth whilst I sucked sucked his balls "Like that Toruu?" Toruu nodded again and then I started to suck his dick bobbing my head on his huge member. "Ahhhh... Just l-like that baby" Toruu moaned, Oikawa then forced me to stop and bent me over and sticked his cock into my hole "Ah-" I moaned and he started to thrust I didn't want him to ever stop it felt so good and so hard "Ahhhh" I moaned one last time before Toruu's semen shot out. He then stuck it out and layed down on the bed and I did too, both of us were panting for oxygen and Oikawa turned around and gave me the most perverted smile on this planet, I then asked him what's up and then he quickly pursued me. He grabbed some lotion from my desk and slavered it on my member and started to jerk it off his hand moved quickly causing me to moan constantly and heavily, finally I reached my climax and cummed, Toruu then get off of me and lied back down as he did I went to bed with the feeling of something in my hole but I couldn't care less because of how tired I became, I wake up to Oikawa spooning me in my sleep as my ass hurt I then bolted out of the room but got stopped from being butt sore "Owww!" Hey Oikawa I have something to tell you but lets eat break feast first" Oikawa agreed and we headed to the kitchen with the ingredients placed on the table stranger" Oikawa then scoffed down all his food and asked me what he wanted to talk about "I wanted to talk about school well you see uhhh are relationship might not work since were in different schools so I joined Aoba Josai!"

WOOO THIS TIME WE GOT IT ON TIME THIS TIME ALMOST FORGOT TO, well anyway hope you enjoyed and have an amazing future

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