Gathering In Cantorlot

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3rd Pov

Meanwhile back in the Crystal Empire, The three Princesses and the mane 5 were waiting for Twilight Sparkle to get back here with her crown. "I'm tired of waiting, what is she's in trouble" Rainbow Said. "Dashie is right, Twilight could need some help" Pinkie said. Darlings, I believe Twilight could do this" Rarity said. "I hope," she whispered. "I am sorry, my little ponies but this is something, Princess Twilight needs to do on her own" Celestia said. "Tia, is right, we just need to be patient" Luna said.

While they were waiting, they started to anxious since the portal is almost closing. When suddenly the magic in the portal started to move. They all stood up and waited for Twilight to come through the portal. When Darkness came through instead of Twilight. They couldn't see anything and when they did, the portal was closed and Twilight never came through the portal. The mane 5 started to panic for their friend. "We have to do something, Princess" Applejack told Princess Celestia.

They tried the elements of harmony but without the crown, the elements were useless. They looked for spells that could opened the portal but no luck came. They knew they had to wait for another 30 moons to find Twilight. Shining Armor were worried sick about his little sister and the little brother they never had. He was glad that spike was with his little sister.

Its been a few moons when a guard came in to the throne room where Celestia was at.

"Your highness, we found this glowing book and we thought you would want to know. I do not what's in the book" the guard said. "Thank you, I will see what's going with this book, you may leave" Celestia said. Once she finish reading it, she took out a scroll and quill and began writing. She soon send it to Cadence by magic. She wrote another and send it to the mane 5.

Dear Elements of harmony wielders,

I have something important to tell you. Please come to Cantorlot castle immediately.

Dear Princess Cadence and Shining Armor of the Crystal Empire,
Please come to Cantorlot, I have news regarding Twilight Sparkle.

Princess Cadence and Shining armor made it to the castle first meanwhile The mane 5 were at Twilight's castle.
For remembrance of Twilight since they do not know if Twilight is alive or not. They miss their dear friend a lot. The castle, for everypony to come and pay their respects since Equestria thought that Princess Twilight Sparkle is gone. The only things that was off limits was Twilight and Spike's rooms. The mane 5 come here if they were stress or depress, mad, or even want to be alone this place was their comfort spot. While Luna got her sister's message.

They were there when they received a letter from Princess Celestia. When they arrive at cantorlot train station they ran to the castle.

When they all arrive at the castle. "We got your message" Cadence said. "We came as quickly as we could, Princess" Applejack said at the same time as Cadence said. "Did you find Twilight?" Shining Armor said. "Is Twilight here?" Fluttershy whisper quietly asked. "Ok, one at a time, Twilight is not here and no we did not find her but I got a message" Celestia said. "A message? What kind?" Shining asked. "I'll read it out loud for you to hear" Celestia spoke.

Dear, Princess Celestia

You guys are probably wondering what happened after I left to retrieve my crown. I succeed in getting my crown and I thought I had more time. And when a guy asked me to dance. I couldn't pass this chance up.

"Wait wait, Twily dance with a colt? Shining asked. "Awww, this could be her Special Somepony" Cadence squealed. "Awww, she has a crush on somepony" Rarity said. "Ahem, can I continue" Celestia asked.

Ps: don't tell this to my brother or Candace, I feel like she will tease me.

"Twilight didn't want to tell me?" Cadence asked looking sad. Darling, Maybe you would tease her about it, even I would tease her I don't think she knows that" Rarity said. "Ok, maybe I would tease her a little bit" Cadence said. "Why me?" Shining said. "Because your her brother and your way over protective of her" Rainbow said. "I'm not that over protective of her, am I? Shining asked. The mane 5 and Cadence just nodded.

I said yes and we started to dance, I got a little lost in his eyes. That I didn't realized the time.

"Awww she found her special somepony" Cadence said while squealing. "I just wish we could meet this colt" Rarity said sadly. Everyone silently agreed.

When we stopped dancing when there was a cloud of black smoke to make it hard to see. The doors and windows suddenly close. They were locked. We couldn't get out.

"Before we say anymore can I finish reading the letter" Celestia said while Everypony nodded.

Eventually we got everyone out. When we got outside there was darkness surrounding us that we couldn't see. When it disappears, we were confused. When I looked up at the moon, I saw the portal closing so Spike and I ran to the portal but we couldn't get in. It had already closed. It was so strange, it didn't feel right. Who ever locked the doors and windows didn't want me to go to the portal. That's what happened after I retrieved my crown. But Don't worry, the crown is hidden. That way no one can steal it. Anyways,

Sunset gave me her book so that I could write to you all until the Portal opened. I am teaching Sunset everything I know about friendship while she teaching me how to fit in. Its a little weird but I'm getting used to it and with the help of spike of course.

Spike keeps me company when I am feeling down since everything is so so different from home. I'm going to school but its so so different from schools in Equestria too. But I'm getting through it. My friend wanted to start a band, And our friends agreed, they wanted me to be in the band too. Right, There's some friendship games coming up so, Sunset and my friends are competing in it, so that will be fun to see. I am currently living with Sunset so don't worry about me.

How are things in Ponyville and my friends how are they? What about my brother and Sister-in-law? How is everypony doing?

Your Faithful Student, Twilight Sparkle

"So Something didn't want her to go back to Equestria?" fluttershy asked. "You don't think they same description that Twilight made was the same one that came through the portal?" Rainbow Dash asked. "At least she's safe" Applejack said. "I still wonder what the stallion looks like?" Cadence asked. "You and me both" Rarity said. "I wonder what their children would look like and kind of clothes? Rarity asked. "They would look adorable" Cadence said while giggling. "What, children?, Twily's too young to have children" Shining said. "Besides you guys are missing the main thing" Shining told them. They both look confuse. Shining Armor sighed as he explained "if there relationship gets serious she might not come back at all" he said sadly. "Twilight might not come back" Pinkie Pie said sadly. everyone heard what Shining Armor said and looked sad too. "I haven't thought about that way" Rarity said. "You and me both" Cadence said.

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