Chapter Ten

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Grace's POV

We already made our way to the car. Sam is driving, Colby's up front, I'm stuck in the back in the middle with Jake and Corey. I haven't really talked much, the guys were talking about the weird phone calls coming back and the strange noises. It's like origin all over again yet it was happening to everyone yet me, which I'm not complaining.

"Grace, you've been really quiet lately." Sam stated.

"Yeah, we're going camping or champing to be exact." I said

"The fact that we just learned that from Sam and Colby and you just instantly know it, just makes me more curious." Corey

"Curious about what?" I asked

"You." They all said.

"You guys speaking in unison now?" I said fake laughing in a way. It wasn't that fake but it was not genuine if you know what I mean.

"Wow, this place looks so big." Corey said

"This is a set up from before." Said Jake

"The fans wanted more and we gave." Sam said

"Imagine renting a castle." Corey said

"That may happen in the future." Colby said

"We're gonna park here so it's an easy access to where we're going." Sam said while parking

"This place gives me bad vibes." Corey said

"Everything gives you bad vibes." Jake and I said in unison.

"Grace, I expect this from the guys but from you. I feel hurt." Cory said whining

"Get used to it, I'm usually like this." I said trying to change my mood I think I'm coming off a bit too weird.

"Let's just get out. Leave our stuff here and come back for it when we explored for a bit." Sam said stepping out of the car.

To be honest the hotel was haunted and stuff but this place, I don't know, it feels like it's almost a weight on you, one might even say in you.

We had to go up broken stone stairs to make it and the pathway after the stairs looked like no one has been here for decades.

It's when they started talking about crows and their meaning is when things were starting to be strange.

"Hey guys give me a second someone is calling me." I said grabbing my phone and putting a distance to the group and I. I don't know who it could be but better be safe than sorry.

"Hello?" I talk into the phone

No one was answering. A normal person would think this is actually normal but this has been happening more than usual. What I find it very unusual is how the call went through, normally there is bad signal. I went to check where the guys went and they were gone. Maybe they went back to the car or maybe inside. I guess it wouldn't hurt filming a bit outside by myself, it wasn't dark so I should be fine.

I pull my camera out of my pocket and begin to set it up.

"Hey guys, trying my best not to freak out a bit. I don't know where the guys have gone but for now it's just you and me. Right now it's very weird. The air feels very heavy here and you look at the graves you can see how. They've been broken into." I said pointing the camera to the left ruins of this cemetery in a way.

"Europe has always been the country that scared me in a way. It's so beauty yet with it's past, people weren't laid to rest in the most lovely way let's put it. Everywhere there are bodies and it seems like more and more we build over here the more they find. History here is quite beautiful." I said trying to distract myself. I wasn't scared but it was worrying me a bit that they haven't appeared yet.

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