Hallway Encounter

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•~<Remus POV>~•
"You Like Logan..." Patton's words shot through me like a bullet. "l-like Logan...?" no way. "I don't like Logan! That's crazy! Listen, I do not like Logan." I kinda shout at him. He backs away slightly in fear. "sorry Bomb Dadonator, I didn't mean to yell..." I say with slight guilt. He looked up and smiled at me "its alright kiddo! And thanks for the dad themed nickname." he says forgivingly. "So... You really think I like Logan?" I say with a bit of exaggerated, "sure! And if you ever need help just ask, you know where I am." he says in the most dad way possible. Anyway, I walk out the door thanking him. I start walking to the dark sides door. 'Liking Logan...' I have a picture of him in my mind. I kind of feel my face heat up. 'He is rather cute... His hair an-' I fall backward after knocking into someone. I look up and see Logan but without his glasses. I look him in the eyes.
•~<Logan POV>~•
I was walking thinking about work, not paying to much attention to what's in front of me. '2+5.7/8.3(8•9.1/89.77)+2=' BaNg my thoughts get interrupted by me bumping into someone. I look up to see a green blob. I look around for my glasses so I can escape from the only green side there is. I look up again to see him looking at me. We stared at each other and for a moment, I saw clearly again. I snap out of my trance and keep looking for my glasses. I feel his warm touch on my cheek, making my face heat up. He turns me to look at him and he puts my glasses on for me. I sit there for a moment just staring at him. His eyes were emerald green and his mustache was freshly groomed. I then realize his nose is bleeding. I clear my throat before speaking. "Oh I apologize, Remus, I did not comprehend that. Would you like to help with your nose?" I ask apologetically. He looks at me with a soft smile. I figuratively melted right then and there. "Sure Lolo!" he said more kind than on average. I had to hide the emotional wave. I stood up and held my hand out to him.

•~<Remus POV<~•
He held his hand out to me. God, it was so cute. "well?" he said getting impatient. I grabbed his hand and pulled myself up. "come" he says leading me to his room. Him, dragging me to his room. Just the two of us, together, alone... I want to tell him but he will 100% think I'm weird. We make it to his room and he makes me sit on his bed. 'kinky' I think to myself. He gets a bunch of stuff and once he is done checking if my nose is broken, gives me a tissue. "there" he says to me and yet won't look me in the eyes. "Logan... Are you mad at me?" I ask him hoping he isn't. "Why would I be?" he queries. "Well... You said we aren't friends, you won't make eye contact with me and every time you see me your face turns red!" I start ranting and getting a little loud at the end. "oh I am sorry Remus. I did not realize these things have been occurring. I apologize if they have been bothering you." he says stone-cold and no expression. "Whatever Logie One Kenobi. I gotta go do stuff. Later!" I say and sink out before he can say a word. I appear in my room. I sit in my bed and close my eyes. 'he really does care' I think to myself. Then I feel a tap on my shoulder. I open my eyes and see Deceit. "We need to talk"

(Heya pals, hope you're enjoying this creative dump I call a story. Writing's hard. 666 words)

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