Forget about love

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Tw: swears.
•~<Remus POV>~•
New Year's Eve. 11:50. Everyone together. We are drunk and we convinced Logan to drink too. We are all drinking our asses off. I'm dancing and singing with everyone. Suddenly Logan tells me to come with him to the other room. I follow, "Whatcha needs LoLo?" I ask kinda tipsy. Logan was wasted, he only gets like this on new years eve. He chuckled at me and I tilted my head in confusion. He pins me to the wall with one hand and puts his other hand on my cheek. I flush red. "Remus... Ever since Christmas, I haven't been able to get you out of my head, and... I kind of liked that kiss" he says seductively before pulling me into a kiss. He was so beautiful.

One Make-Out session later...

We came back into the living room, everyone was too drunk to realize. We did the count down for the ball drop. We had a great time. Later everyone went to bed while I stayed. I sleep on the couch when I really feel like it. Logan comes in seeming like he sobered up in 5 minutes. "Hey Lo, Wanna continue what we were doing earlier?" I ask with a wink. "I am not certain what you mean," he says bluntly I look at him. He was a drop-dead 28 stab wound kind of serious. I swear to god I almost cried. I get up and walk to my room without a word. I can't sleep, how could I? He forgot everything that happened. Ugh, I need to tell someone. Probably Deceit, I trust him with my life. I walk over to Dee's room but when I do I realize I have been crying. I knock anyway. "//Don't// come in," he says from inside. I open the door and he is just sitting there doing nothing. He looks at me and his eyes widen. He comes over and rubs my back while guiding me to his bed. "What's wrong Remus?" He asks putting his hand on my shoulder. I told him everything. Logan had forgotten literally everything. It was so hard to believe. "you are so //right//," he says to me, "forget about Logan" I look at him confused. He starts singing to me (song up in the thing up there)
D: Forget about that guy, Forget about the way you fell into his eyes. Forget about his charms. Forget about the way he held you in his arms. Walking on air's obnoxious, The thrills, The chills Will make you nauseous, And you'll never get enoughJust forget about love! Forget about romance Forget about the way your heart begins to dance Then you feel the blush When he's spouting out some sentimental mush Love really is revolting! It's even worse than when you're shedding Enough of this fluff!
Just forget about love!
R: I had almost forgotten the way it felt When he held out his hand for mine My heart all a-flutter
D: Oh, how I shudder
R: The first time we kissed
D: It won't be missed! Forget about 'is touch
R: I can't forget about his touch
D: In the scheme of things, It doesn't matter much
R: It matters so much
D: You're better on your own. A meal becomes a banquet When you eat alone
Both: Love's filled with compromises
D: And don't you hate those big surprises?
R: A cozy rendezvous
D: Oh, please!
R: Candlelight for two
D: Oh, geez!
R: Look you're calling my bluff!
Both: (I can't) (Just) forget about love!

I laugh a bit and hug him tightly, "thanks Dee, you always know how to cheer me up" I say smiling at him. "Yes now I think you should //not// explain some things to Logan, he definitely //shouldn't know//," he says, now serious. I nod before talking out. What if he hates me..?

(hey pals! Sorry for the holdup. I've had a lot of stuff going on and coming up. Hopefully, I will be able to post more. Thanks for your understanding! 684 words)

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