Perfection and Protection

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(Tw: swears)
•~<Remus POV>~•
I heard something... It might have been something that would never be said again... "SHUT UP JUST BE QUIET." The yell echoed through the halls. "Listen to yourselves! How would you feel if your reason for living was the reason everyone you know HATES you. Don't you get it? You all have flaws too, are any of you judged for those? Roman, you are overly insecure and have a huge fake ego. Patton, you hide your emotions so much that you are practically depressed. Virgil, you are so sensitive that you are practically a child. Deceit, you are so sensitive because you only had Remus and when he yelled at you, you left him so now you're friendless. Do you get judged because of that? No. Now I would like it if you all went somewhere else. I have business to attend to." Logan lectured. It was like everything was better... I heard a knock on the door. I opened it and hugged him. "Logan Sanders you are just so!" I start saying before stopping myself. My face burns and I see his start to turn pink. "I'm what?" He asks, looking into my eyes. "Everything..." the words slip out of my mouth like butter. He blushes and looks away. I swear for a second I was in heaven. He was just so perfect... "is that how you really feel Kylogan?" I asked. "well, I wouldn't have said it if it wasn't my honest opinion..." he wipes the tears off my cheek that I didn't even know were there. How could anything so perfect exist? I could never tell him... "You really scared me, Remus, I thought you were gone and not coming back." I looked at him with shock. "You really care that much about me? I'm not just a problem for you?" I was very surprised. His face turns even redder, "well... You aren't just a nuisance, I quite enjoy your company..." we turn away from each other. "how about we go to the living room?" he asks me. "oh I don't know... Everyone is gonna be mad at me. They all hate me." he already knows this so I don't know why he asked. "You're gonna be fine" he attempts to console me. "I have an idea," he says. He pushes me into my room and shuts the door. "I don't usually do this but... Do you need to hear a song?" he asks, implying that he's gonna sing. I nod rapidly.

"You're gonna be fine
You're gonna be tip-top shape and tapping toes and fly
You're gonna act awesome
And self-assured
We're gonna seem contemplative, nonchalant and bored"

He sings his song like, like, I don't even know what. It's just the greatest thing you have ever heard! It's all you could ever wish for! "you're amazing" I tell him. He blushes again. "thank you... Since you at feeling so much better, may we go downstairs to the living room?" he asks. I give a reluctant nod. We go downstairs and everyone is in their spots. I have immediate regret. "Hi..." I say in a low tone, it was as if my voice didn't want me to speak up. Everyone looked at me. I saw Logan staring at them angrily and I felt bad. "I think I should just go," I say before walking up the stairs. I feel a hand on my shoulder. I turn and see Logan, "If Remus is going... I will too because this isn't fair." he tells them. "Logan..." I hear Patton slightly whimper. "Fine, Microsoft Nerd, why don't you just go to the dark sides? Maybe you'll be happier there!" Roman shouted at him. I looked at Logan and he was silently crying. That was the last straw. I stormed down the stairs to Roman. "Don't you dare talk to him like that! He is the greatest thing here and you treat him like dirt! I see it, always ignoring him! How about for once in your life you actually pay attention to him and let go of your fake mother fucking ego!" the words fell out of my mouth like air. This time he wasn't taking it "Who are you to talk?! Don't try to be the hero because you're not! You're the bad guy, the villain, a low life who wants to be more than nothing because that's what you are! Nothing, you don't matter! Everyone was glad when you left so maybe you should do it again." the tension in the room was so thick it could be cut with a knife. I felt the blood boiling in me. and then I did it.

(cliffhanger! I've been doing a bit better thanks to all of you, seeing the positivity coming from this is amazing. if you want you can give tips or something, 804 words)

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