Mad or Grateful?

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(TW; slight gore,
•~<Remus POV>~•
All I felt was anger.
It took over my actions like a wolf.
After I kicked over his chair I grabbed his collar and pulled him back up. The thing about us being part of imagination, we can regenerate. Which means endless amounts of torture and pain. I hit his face with my mace. You could hear his jaw crack and he spits out blood. I put my hand on his head and slowly pulled it through his hair with a wicked smile. Another thing about being Thomas's sides is we have a sort of alter ego. We can't control when it comes out. Mine just so happens to be insanity. Insanity came out. It hit Roman and made him bleed as much as possible. Watching the blood seep out gave me a certain satisfaction. I got him past the point of tears. I broke a few bones. That's a basic outline of it. Anyway, after Ꭵ丅 was done I left him there and I don't care who he told. Of course, I undid his mouthpiece and hands but I locked him in, but the room was soundproof. I went back to my room and Logan was already gone. I lay on my bed, winded from so much work. After a few minutes, I fall asleep.
•~<Logan POV>~•
I was walking to my room when I heard a noise from the closet Remus made. Only he and I know of its whereabouts so my concern grew slightly. I turn the nob and open the door. There, I see Roman, extremely pale, beaten, and probably haven't eaten for a while. I speedily go over to him. "Are you ok?" I naturally ask. "Not really... Why are you here? To mock me?" he asks. "what? Roman, why would I mock you?" I ask him. Wait- pause- hold on-. Listening? Good. So before I became a dark side and all of this, Roman had a slight crush on me. Unfortunately for him, I did not return his feelings. Now, back to where we were. "Because I beat you earlier and now I'm the beaten one," he says in a self-pity type of tone. "I do not forgive you, however, I shall not mock you even though I am sure you would," I say "why are you in here in this physical state?" I ask even though I had a guess that has an extremely high probability of being true. "you don't know already?" he asks, surprised by my unfamiliarity. "no?" I say almost asking. Then he explained everything to me. I would have liked to say I couldn't believe what I was hearing but that would be a lie. I am not ok with this but how can I be mad? He did this for me. Should I be mad or grateful? I'll just have to think about it.

(Hey pals! Sorry, I've been so dead, a lot has been happening with CoronaVirus and the new sanders sides it's just a lot. I also have an online school so... Sadness. Anyway, I'm probably not going to post in three days but I'll try. Also, I am letting you decide what Logan does! So please comment. Anyway, I hope you like this chapter and stay positive pals! 541 words)

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