8: Autumn

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- I'm - She hesitates - I was hired by your parents to protect you, I'm a former FBI agent. And I know it's all pretty confusing, but by now I should've already handled all of this mess!- She puts her hands in her hair with frustration.  

So, that's why my parents didn't make a big deal out of it. I could bet they thought she would be around, that she would properly protect us.

- What are you saying? - Arthur demands.

- People have been trying to kill you ever since New York, kids. And that's why you got sent here, not because of the accident, not because of your behaviour. And now I'm gonna get to the bottom of this - The way she exits the kitchen just shows all of her feelings on that moment, of course she was angry, but she was determined, and now we weren't just random helpless teenagers, for her, we were something else.

Wow. I didn't really think life in a small city could be so complicated, did I make it like that? I wonder why my parents didn't really tip me off on this, someone is trying to hurt me, and possibly Arthur too. The reasons may seem obvious but there's so much behind it. Generally people kidnap the relatives of really rich people for money on the rescue, and then they give them back.

But whoever it was the other night left it pretty clear they wanted me dead. And through my vast knowledge of crime books and movies it could only mean two things, either this person gets an advantage from my death, or the screamer/killer from the other night was sent there for money. A lot of people are angry at my parents, so it would make sense.

On breakfast the other day, Autumn shows up quite late, in a leather jacktet, boots and... sunglasses?

- Looked into the guy, it wasn't him - She drops a few papers on the table - But I think he knows something.

- Where is him now? - Arthur looks quite terrified.

- He's at home - She takes her glasses off and I see it, a blood stain on the knuckles of her right hand - He had to confess, you know? Don't judge me!

I give Arthur a side look trying my best to say "We live with a murderer!". But something about Autumn feels safe, maybe safer than I ever felt with my parents.

The clocks ticks slow, like a sand clock made out of big grains. I feel like a big anxious mess, but let me just say that, indeed, anyone in my situation would be like this. Aah, pity yourself, that's just what any big business woman would do.

The sound of classical siren never sounded better then right now, getting out of school meant I could keep looking into the person, and it also meant I could check on Arthur, to see if he was fine.

A few minutes go by while I sit on the white car on the parking lot. Maybe he was just late, you know, in any other day it would be normal to wait a little bit for Arthur, because if he finds a hot girl on his way, he'll take a little while to get to me. But he wouldn't do that. to me right now, would he? 

- Hey, Voltaire! - Olivia and her usual pack approach me.

- Nice ride! - Tom exclaims.

- Thanks, - I say trying to hide my nervousness - Have any of you seen Arthur?

- I think he was at my last lab - Liv said, but of course, she knew he was there, Arthur, the brunette with two big blue marbles on his face, besides being extra tall, pretty hard to miss. She was either trying to disguise a crush or she was hiding something, but that didn't really matter,I just had to know if he was fine.

- Hey! Why are there people next to our car? - The sight of the tall slim figure gives me a mix of anger and happiness.

- Great! You found him! Now let's go so they can go home guys! - Liv says nervously, but I'm not willing to just let her go.

- Do you live too far from here? - The size of this city literally doesn't allow something like that to happen.

- Not really.

Thomas mentioned that Liv usually takes them to school, but her car was getting fixed, so their parents were taking them for school. Which leads us to:

- Get in guys, I'll give you a ride.

The three seats in the back of the car get filled up quickly, and before we head off I decide to finally ask the unknown redhead's name.

- It's... Ted, but people just call me Teddy.

And for the first time, I don't feel terrified by him. Quite the opposite actually, the way he said it, the first time he talked, he opened up, it was quite sweet.

- Actually his name Theon.

- But you know I don't like my name, Liv - We're getting off topic here, let's go back.

- Hey Arthur, you know that girl with the scrunchie on Liv's party?

- No Genevieve, I don't recall - He doesn't want me to keep talking, in fact by the mention of my full name its a pretty good guess that he's almost scared of what I'll say, but Arthur is not vulnerable, and I want him to crack.

- You know, the one you... 

Liv's face on the back of the car is indescribable, is a clear expression of rage, but she doesn't want it to show. And I honestly think I know exactly what's going on here.

- Oh we're here! - she says in the back of the car.

- Liv your house is three blocks from here - Arthur responds.

- We'll just walk a little, we don't mean to bother - She can't hide her own feelings, she's so angry   that she would rather walk herself home then stay another minute in the car with Arthur, dammit, they made out.

Olivia gets out of the car and starts walking with heavy angry steps, Tom and Teddy follow.

- Bye guys! 

They don't look too happy either.

- Way to go, Genevieve - Arthur's mad at me.

And when I was about to start the car again, Arthur jumps out of it in a desperate attempt to what? Talk to her?

- Hey! Liv!

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