2: A new begining?

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- I'm Autumn. Your new kinda sorta mom - The woman says, but I rather just not believe that the words are coming out of her mouth.

- You're awfully young to be a mother, especially our mother. And we have parents, they live in New York, we're fine - Arthur says the obvious.

I think about It again, it was weird that my parents were sending me to live with my 17-year-old best friend. And they are smart, they must have planned all of this way before we actually moves here- Look guys, I know they didn't tell you about it. But they hired me to take care of you... I mean, you didn't think they would seriously send two teenagers to live alone in a distant city, did you?

- Yeah, I guess it makes sense - Arthur says leaving his bags on the floor - What are you actually here to do, little lady? - We sit down at the first chair on sight.

- First of all, you have to treat me with respect.

- I'm sorry mrs... - I wait for her to answer.

- Autumn. Just Autumn - She smiles my way.

- So... Autumn, Arthur can be a little... rough. At first, so if you can take it easy on him - I move a little closer - He's been through a lot.

- Well, haven't we all? - She moves towards the refrigerator.

- Dinner is at eight - She turns to Arthur - SHARP! - She shouts angry - But you can choose your rooms now kids, have fun - And out of nowhere she turns sweet again.

Arthur picks our bags, and we go upstairs, silently he looks at me and waits until I say something that will set the mood.

- We'll be fine, just don't be rude, she's here to help.

- I doubt it.

The room in the left is mine, like it was at home. There's a little stair that leads up to my bed, and the bed is right in front of a huge window, when I look into it, I find it kinda weird not to see a lot of buildings, and instead just seeing a night sky, filled with bright stars. I could get used to this.

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