1 : Our story

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Genevieve Voltaire, the daughter of Romeo and Margot Voltaire, two of the richest engineers on the world, not that they engineer a lot these days, the company got so big that right now they only have time to manage, it's really all they do, whops... got a little off topic there. But, Genevieve Voltaire, the pressure of being the daughter of her super smart and invincible parents - not completely, I actually beat them at chess once - off topic again right? Ah, forget it, I'm Genevieve Voltaire, and this is my life:

- Genevieve, are you all packed up? Arthur is waiting for you downstairs.

- I'm coming mom - I scream from upstairs.

    Well, there's that going on to, my parents have been friend with their partners since... forever? The Hermsdart's were always a big of my life, they own a big hotel brand, it's all over the place. Arthur, their son, is my best friend. Not that it was always like this, in the beginning we despised each other, until one day, we were in Geneva, and he was chasing me like always, the hotel was pretty full and there was this fancy party going on.

I ran like crazy, he was terrifying and I was little, but when I got to a big room all I can remember were the big lights and the most beautiful piano I had ever seen. It was white, and it had just the right amount of sparkles, it was amazing. When he saw me completely wonderstruck, he respected that, and quit teasing me for a while. I'll never know exactly why, but we made peace and he never stoped protecting me ever since.

    But that doesn't explain quite what's going on right now, Arthur is drunk half of the time he's awake, and he makes parties all the time, so a few days ago, he made this fancy rooftop party, one of the guys got too drunk for his own sake and... he fell off the roof and tragically died, it was the first party Arthur ever convinced me to go to, and someone died. Our parents knew that it wasn't our fault, but the hotel is getting sued, so they are sending both of us to live away, away from New York and our lives.

- Bye guys, have a nice trip! - My dad screams from the door of our house, Arthur's parents look apprehensive.

- Bye mom and dad, I'll miss you like hell.

- Us too Gen, us too.

    You know, it wasn't that bad. Arthur doesn't have a good relationship with his parents, but we all know they love him no matter what, and they didn't fight on his way out, AND I think I saw a tear forming on uncle Adam's eye, so that's... good?

- Hey Artie, can I drive now? - As we reach a safe distance from home we finally switch places, Arthur hates to drive, and I love it.

- Sure, so did you see the tear? - He asks in a clear attempt to make him confirm that his parents love him.

- I definitely saw the tear - I see a side grin from Alex's face.

- So...

- When you speak like that is never good news - He says with his usual confidence.

- It's not bad news, I just wanted to say that... now that we're moving in together, we have to establish some things ok?

- Alright, I am pretty flexible and adaptable, tell me your demands mrs Pianist.

- No parties on weekdays.


- I know you're not used to it, but I had a big busy schedule in New York, and I want to keep it that way in Ostromodh. By the way, can you believe they would send us to a place as tiny as Ostromodh?

- I know right? But that's not the point. I guess I can agree to no parties from Mondays to Thursdays, but Fridays through Sundays are mine ok?

- We can work with that - Not what I want, but he'll do things my way, he always does, ever since we were five and six.

I knew that the town we were going to was far, but I didn't realise how long it would take, and for how long I would have to drive, and that Arthur would talk nonstop throughout the whole way there. But finally, after an entire day inside a car - A fancy car, but still, a car - we finally arrive in Ostromodh.

It took me a little while to figure out where our house was, the town in general it's little, but the houses are beautiful, very Victorian. I kind of expected that, there's almost nothing my parents appreciate more than nice architecture and Belgian chocolate. But when we got there, I knew it was it.

 But when we got there, I knew it was it

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- Arthur, it's white!

- Of course it is, they almost rebuilt the house so we could live in. I asked that they would at least make it your favourite color.

- Thank you Artie.

We get in the house and the shock from a vintage architecture to a modern inside leaves me speechless, the living room is beautiful, of course the house it's almost small compared to our houses in New York, but just for me and Arthur to live in, a fact that I am not completely over, it is perfect.

- Hello, so you have arrived! - A woman with a slight soccer mom look shows up at our kitchen and we are both caught by surprise.

- Who are you? - I ask

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