Chapter 3

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Chapter 3 bby, I hope you enjoy 🥱
It had been 1 month at the Hawthorne academy, I was enjoying it a lot. Me and Michael were reasonably close but not in a good way. We realized we both technically had the same abilities, and neither of us found it amusing. I tried to be better than him, and he tried to be better than me, that's the way it's been going. Ariel had told us both to come down and meet the council, we didn't know why but we didn't hesitate to ask about anything. "Do you know what this is about?" I asked him, he just looked at me and rolled his eyes. "Fine then, I just want to see if you knew what was going on" I said walking passed him into the room.

"Now that you've both had time to settle and you have immersed yourselves in the study of magic here at the coven, it's time to evaluate and see where you both stand" Ariel said, "Normally, this would happen at the end of the first year-". "Well, we've only been here a month" Michael said just as confused as me, "Well, seeing both your progress, we feel justified in accelerating the process" Behold said. "To begin, each warlock at our school is assigned a level, one through four, according to their talents and the breadth of their powers" Ariel added on, "Are you all level fours?" Michael asked as I tried to contain my laughter.

"Sadly you're looking at a bunch of threes", "sixes after a few cocktails". "A level four would mean a warlock that is categorically as powerful as the female supreme. He would be the one we call the Alpha", "We shouldn't burden the boy with theory. In the history of the coven, there's never been a level four warlock. Let's see if they can pass level one" John said. "Scrying is the ability to see things in a reflective surface messages, visions, prophecies but, today, we're not looking for the next Nostradamus. All you need to do is to tell us where we hid a particular book. The New..." Baldwin said before I interrupted him. "The New Adam and Eve. By Hawthorne. First edition" I said, "Yes" Baldwin replied.

I went over to the mirror and began to concentrate on the book, I had been practicing and found a way to reach through and grab the object instead of just showing it

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I went over to the mirror and began to concentrate on the book, I had been practicing and found a way to reach through and grab the object instead of just showing it. I eventually knew where it was, I put my hand through the mirror slowly, "Well, that'll get some extra credit" Baldwin said. It was now Michaels turn, he did the exact same thing as me. Grabbing the book through the mirror, which I was surprised he was able to do. "Tremendous. Both of you", "They were only tasked with telling us where the book as hidden. Even you have to admit that was impressive", "Impressive. And troubling. Quite simply they ignored directions" I couldn't help but glare at him.

"Salire per spatium. The ability to transport yourself instantly throughout physical space. Just pick a spot in the room, envision yourself there, and make it happen". Michael was up first for this one, "what are those things for?" He asked. "Motivation" he said simply. He moved quickly and smoothly, but on his third he disappeared. "Anything else? You want me to dust up here?" He said while I looked up at him on the ceiling. It was now my turn, personally this was one of the easiest tests we had to do, so as you could tell I passed even with the "motivation".

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